GOAT Movie Themes - The Championship

the closeness of both votes is a testament to how we arrived at the proper final four, even after a lot of grousing


10 hours. We NEED another vote on GBU


No question. Indiana Jones is an excellent theme, it’s iconic, and it’s still beyond all reasonable argument that it winning out over GBU would entirely be a function of almost everyone here watching it as a kid and then maybe viewing GBU at some other random point in life, if at all.

Safe to say it would be preferable that the greatest theme win in a greatest theme tournament, but “I want what I want” is a powerful force.

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Any errors will be corrected in the final

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I could be wrong, but I feel like Indiana Jones is going to get slaughtered no matter who wins the other semi.

I think GB&U loses too, but I think it winning here will result in a much more competitive final.

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That’s fair. I think we are going to see a Star Wars landslide. Only fitting if the final is John Williams vs John Williams.

Even more fitting in a greatest themes tournament would be the two greatest themes facing off in the finals.

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GBU is such a classic. Been used throughout tv and movies to represent a certain feel. Indy has a similar note for adventure themes but it’s not as replicated.


It appears that we found a hero. We need one more.

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I had to switch. Head over heart.


You sir, are a hero

Getting robbed of a John Williams final

We all make bad decisions in life


There’s still three hours. Anything could happen.

About the only injustices in this tourney are Jurassic Park running into Indiana Jones too early, and 2001 not being punished enough for not being an original theme. Finalists look good.

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Also, round of applause for @LFS for running the votes. That is a bunch of work. I do hope you’re willing to do a 3/4 vote? I think this is a good spot for one.


Thanks to you both


Happy to be of service!

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What’s a 3/4 vote?

nm figured it out from context—consolation match

Yeah took me a minute too.

Championship - Matchup 127

#12 The Good the Bad and the Ugly


#19 Star Wars theme

#12 The Good the Bad and the Ugly vs. #19 Star Wars theme
  • #12 The Good the Bad and the Ugly.

  • #19 Star Wars theme

0 voters