GOAT Movie Themes - The Championship

I have to admit that I basically just listened to Schindler’s and voted for it, realizing full well that the Psycho theme is great, but listening to the Psycho theme does open my eyes to how fantastic it is. I still probably can’t change my vote, but it’s criminal that one of these will get bounced in round one.

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If you’re tempted to vote against Psycho please watch this perfect bit of scoring

That cue is also in the full version from the poll starting around 4:30


This intro underscores just what a pristine fit the Blondie song was for the movie. I have a sneaking suspicion that it could get punished by some for outgrowing the movie afterward, but it shouldn’t.

This is the instrumental version that gets sampled into other parts of the movie.

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I’m honestly not sure that this is the bigger value-add from the score. I think the part that underpins Janet Leigh driving through the downpour is probably the cooler music/visual combo.

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Can you srs whistle very well? I used to work very slow retail hours and would practice whistling for hours every day. I recently learned how to whistle the aria and Diva Dance from The Fifth Element. Anyway just don’t meet lots of folks who take whistling very seriously.

You got me to switch my vote.

To my recollection of the movie, they way overuse this song as a motif, but it stands on its own as worthy of my vote.

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Using different versions of a theme song throughout the movie was a big thing around the turn of the late 70s/early 80s. Slapshot did it with Get Right Back, Foxes did it with On the Radio. Probably some others I’m forgetting.

I think we should bring that back. It’s fun.

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Eh, guess famous pop icons ain’t gonna cut it for most of ya. I found One Last Kiss to be a banger.

I’ll argued that Spirited Away has better music than Howl’s Moving Castle. Yes, they’re both by the same composer I know.

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I love Queen but no way I am voting for that.

Round 1, Block 8 Justifications

  • Top Gun vs. Howl’s Moving Castle-I am literally never picking that overplayed abomination, Danger Zone. At least this is some effed up fast playing version of the song so it’s over faster. It’s amazing anyone thought this song was cool but that’s Bruckheimer for you, obviously one of the absolute coolest guys to ever live, if you were unaware and he didn’t tell you. I have no idea what Howl’s Moving Castle is but it’s against Danger Zone, so it’s an automatic win for it for me. This song almost sounds at home in a John Ford western. Since I have a few minutes while listening, I’ll see what this movie is. Okay, anti-war anime that made a ton of money. Good job Miyazaki. Better job being here to pick against jingoistic lazy recruitment war hyping tool Top Gun.

  • Dances with Wolves vs. Flash Gordon-I don’t know who should be more embarrassed, me thinking this was a Jerry Goldsmith score or whoever nominated this song over the myriad of better other ones on the soundtrack (buffalo stuff, hello). This song being nominated is probably why this is gonna lose. I do not like the Flash Gordon song at all, so bad nominator I’ll give you a little cover.

  • A Fistful of Dollars vs. Last Known Address-A Fistful of Dollars is spectacular in every way. The other song has something in it that’s been sampled in something else I know but I can’t think what it is. This song is good but it can’t compete with A Fistful of Dollars for me.

  • Harry Potter vs. American Gigolo-Finally, young Harry has arrived with one of my all-time favorite John Williams themes. I hereby sentence anyone picking American Gigolo over it to a lifetime of listening to the Richard Harris (original Dumbledore) song used in Beetlejuice Beetlejuice a la Easy Street in The Walking Dead. You can still change your vote to avoid that fate. Call Me is obviously a great song but probably 25 people in the world identify it with that movie anymore, not including the cast and crew. Come on people, Richard Harris is waiting in your speaker system of choice. Do you really want that?

  • Titanic vs. Candyman-I should dock Titanic (ha, I did not intend that pun after proofreading) points for sounding hopeful. We all know how the story ends, with James Cameron winning a Best Picture Oscar. There is almost no bigger tragedy than that, even in 1997. Why does this Candyman song sound hopeful too? Does she kill him or something? I really hate voting for Titanic here, but there were at least 3 ominous notes in that song toward the end. That’s more than I can say for this one.

  • Evangelion 3.0 vs. Paris Texas-I hate the mixing style of the Evangelion song, so it already has an uphill climb for me. This Ry Cooder song should have been the theme to Titanic. I don’t know anything about this movie but that song makes it seem like it’s gonna be a bad scene throughout. I’m picking it.

  • The Neverending Story vs. Black Swan-It’s hard to know what has traumatized a larger audience more, Darren Aronofsky’s entire filmography or The Neverending Story. This song probably traumatized me more than both by having to listen to it. That dude’s hair is very traumatizing too. Does he think he’s a punk or a cockatoo? He is neither, okay? All it took was one note for The Black Swan to win for me and luckily there were more notes than that in this song. Is this an adaptation of Swan Lake or is it faithful? I might have picked against it if the other song wasn’t against it in this matchup. Ha ha ha no I wouldn’t.

  • Schindler’s List vs. Psycho-Bernard Herrmann’s ghost said he would stab me to death in the shower if I didn’t vote for Psycho in this matchup. Enough said.

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Voted for Flash Gordon because I remember Public Enemy sampling it. but then I remembered I can’t really stand Queen so I unvoted. I don’t know who the other side is but PM me if you need me to break a tie.

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It surely seems you want to pick a fight with me. But someone who doesnt nominate (or doesnt vote) doesnt get to talk shit later. Listened to the buffalo hunt. Not better and the number of views might not be enough.

Not picking a fight with anyone. I also vote and nominate, so don’t know what you’re talking about.

P.S. The two songs about buffalo I was meaning were the Journey and Spotting the Herd, not the buffalo hunt. Both should have had plenty of views. Also, Fort Sedgewick when it gets going is the song from the movie, in my opinion.

Hardest round for me so far.

Flash vs Dances with Wolves: Love Queen but am a sucker for bagpipes. Reckon Queen’s work on Highlander was better than this but then Flash will save every one of us…Hmm…gah, think Dances with Wolves just pips it.

Neverending Story vs Black Swan: From the view of someone who hasn’t seen either film I reckon the Black Swan theme is a no brainer. Trouble is I’d be so letting down my seven year old self by voting for it that I can’t bring myself to press the button. Little me gets the vote.

Psycho vs Schindler’s List is an almost impossible choice. The Psycho theme works so well within the confines of the movie but beyond that the Schindler’s List theme is a legitimately excellent piece of music. Gonna plump for the latter and feel bad about it.

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The rubber really starts to meet the road in Round 2.

Round 2, Block 1, Matchup 65

#1Gangsta’s Paradise (Dangerous Minds)


#65 Crimson Tide

#1Gangsta’s Paradise (Dangerous Minds) vs. #65 Crimson Tide
  • #1Gangsta’s Paradise (Dangerous Minds).

  • #65 Crimson Tide

0 voters

Round 2, Block 1, Matchup 66

#32 Chevaliers De Sangreal (From The Da Vinci Code)


#33 Braveheart

#32 Chevaliers De Sangreal (From The Da Vinci Code) vs. #33 Braveheart
  • #32 Chevaliers De Sangreal (From The Da Vinci Code).

  • #33 Braveheart

0 voters

Round 2, Block 1, Matchup 67

#16 Indiana Jones theme


#80 The Exorcist

#16 Indiana Jones theme vs. #80 The Exorcist
  • #16 Indiana Jones theme.

  • #80 The Exorcist

0 voters

Round 2, Block 1, Matchup 68

#17 Jurassic Park theme


#48 Blade Runner Blues

#17 Jurassic Park theme vs. #48 Blade Runner Blues
  • #17 Jurassic Park theme.

  • #48 Blade Runner Blues

0 voters

Round 2, Block 1, Matchup 69

#8 Ghostbusters


#72 Stayin Alive (Saturday Night Fever)

#8 Ghostbusters vs. #72 Stayin Alive (Saturday Night Fever)
  • #8 Ghostbusters.

  • #72 Stayin Alive (Saturday Night Fever)

0 voters