GOAT Movie Themes - The Championship

Fair point.

But your first response of Chicago has over half a dozen great songs. Are all of them eligible?

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Chicago creates an especially odd situation here, because you’re absolutely right that it has a ton of great shit, but if one is really the theme, it’s “All That Jazz,” and it’s one of the weakest numbers and totally unworthy of a serious run in a tournament.

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I’d say no, and though it’s somewhat subjective, certain songs stand out as a musical theme.

Disagree with LKJ about All that Jazz being weak. It’s a banger.

Cellophane is my favorite, mostly because I’m impressed he sings it.

Most good movie musicals have similar issues.

That would crop up again and again I think. The Sound of Music’s most iconic numbers certainly aren’t the theme. Same for Mary Poppins. And I kinda don’t think “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” would count for Wizard of Oz?

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Mister Cellophane is my favorite also. But also a shoutout to They Both Reached for the Gun and Cell Block Tango.

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I’m starting to see the wisdom of potentially making musicals their own bracket. Fair points.

#2 and #3 for me too.

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Who you gonna call? dlk9s’ pony.

More main themes:

Probably won’t make tourney, but appeals to me. Really just has the hook.

Pretty good, maybe should make it, but would finish low.

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Nothing itt so far touches this.

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