GOAT Movie Themes - The Championship

The Jaws theme and some overproduced modern pop song “sound the same?” Do you only listen to some obscure music like folk throat singing?

wut. no. check your arrows. was talking about the LotR and Cinema P ones

Round 1, Block 3 Justifications

  • 8 Mile vs. Watchmen-I never got why there were all these accolades for Lose Yourself even when doing work for this movie (found a piece I did on YouTube and it’s so stylistically different than what I do now I had to make sure I did it lol). It has supremely irritating drums that don’t work at all for me in the track, and listening to the lyrics is like reading a King novel. It’s filled to the brim and you never know when it’s gonna end but by some point you can’t wait for it to be over. WTF is this Watchmen theme? I am not listening to all 9 minutes of that. At the first change it sounds like what I’m imagining being run over by a bus feels like. I’m voting for Lose Yourself? F***!

  • Lord of the Rings vs. Cinema Paradiso-I just realized I couldn’t pick the LOTR theme out of a police lineup. That’s…not good for an ‘iconic’ franchise. And since this competition for me is about being iconaurally identified with the movie, I can’t in good conscience vote for it. Cinema Paradiso is good but really only wins my vote for the reason above. It also sounds vaguely familiar even though I haven’t seen the movie. That’s more than I can say for the LOTR theme.

  • Knocking on Heaven’s Door vs. The Mission-How can Knocking on Heaven’s door be so well produced and have such a horrible vocal reverb? Was Dylan given a finished track and told to add vocals to it? In 1990, I basically skipped a week of high school to train to be Non-Response Follow Up Enumerator for the U.S. Census. That began a very difficult experience of going to school and doing that I had a hard time handling. One day in Spanish class our teacher played The Mission. I sawed some serious and loud logs during that presentation with some members of the class waking me up. I came full circle a bit over a decade later when I worked on the commentary for the movie. I managed to stay awake that time. I’ll pick The Mission because it came with two pieces of connection for me.

  • Forrest Gump vs. The Shining-Remember what I said about LOTR? That goes double for Forrest Gump, a movie I still haven’t seen. This theme is long and unmemorable in every conceivable way. Then by the end it’s just getting loud. Does he think this will be the montage music at a Steven Spielberg career achievement tribute? Well he’s wrong, those all go to John Williams. I wouldn’t really identify the other song with The Shining, but it works and gets my vote.

  • The Last of the Mohicans vs. Bullitt-The Last of the Mohicans song is very repetitive and long. If you do that keep it short. I finally get to vote for the great Lalo again. In a theme that’s best described by me as nifty, it wins easily even with the irritating mix.

  • An Officer and a Gentleman vs. Smokey and the Bandit-I can’t stand Joe Cocker or Up Where We Belong. If you were old enough to remember, you heard this song 10,000 too many times despite never having seen the movie. I also can’t stand country music, but I have no problem with Jerry Reed’s Eastbound and Down, a song people of a certain age have heard 100 times only while watching the movie. It gets my vote.

  • Rocky vs. Man with the Movie Camera-Rocky sounds like some real white boy funk. My problem with this song has always been its choice of instrumentation and it coming across much cheesier than it has to. We all know that almost always gets no votes from me. For Man with the Movie Camera, at first I was like, what is this? Why do the drums feel out of time? Then it changed and became like an LTJ Bukem song and that’s part of his charm even though I’m guessing this isn’t LTJ Bukem. I like the song and don’t like the Rocky song for the reasons mentioned above and that’s why Man with the Movie Camera gets my vote even if I have no idea if it makes sense for the movie. It didn’t really seem to in the bits I watched.

  • Jaws vs. Quantum of Solace-I have no idea what this version of the Jaws theme is because it is not from the soundtrack. The real version is below. Someone was probably trying to pad the view total, but the John Williams page version had plenty of views. There’s also a short version of this theme that’s better than the one linked below I found but it would have been tight to make it into the competition. I posted it too. It’s a very tall order to beat such an iconic theme in movie history and Another Way to Die got eaten by Jaws in the GOAT Movie Themes bracket as…well…another way to die. The funny thing is I actually like this Bond theme song, even though it’s another bad video that takes away from any experience it might have brought. Still, Jaws ate it alive, which it would have done to almost anything in the first round.

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Yes, 1000%. The montage will likely open (and perhaps even close) with it - the feather to open and close Gump (with the theme playing) is one of the most iconic and memorable moments from a Spielberg movie.

I’m also surprised by this as I think the LOTR theme is one of the most easily recognizable. I think most fans of the move would recognize it within the first 1-2 seconds

It had to be long as it goes along with a long final chase scene. I guess they could just have repeated the theme during that scene, but that seems worse for the movie. I also think it adds to the theme how well it is choreographed with that chase scene, the music changes tones to match the scene (faster parts when it’s showing the chase/action, slower parts when it’s showing the mountains and the deaths). I really love that scene in how it’s able to express quite a bit of emotion, with pretty much no words.

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hahaha wat

You made me do a double take here thinking it was actually a Spielberg movie for a second.

If it’s long, just don’t be repetitive. It’s fine that it’s long, it’s not fine it’s repetitive, though I’m sure there were lots of sound effects and screams to hide the repetitiveness in the actual movie.

Oops, now I feel like an idiot, I misread your comment as being about Gump theme and just assumed that Gump was Spielberg (had I given it a second thought, I would have clearly known it wasn’t).

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Almost none. It’s pretty much just the theme playing, with sound effects quite sparse and muted (and almost no screams).



Literally not one I cared about in this batch, and then two that hit me dead in the feels go head to head.

Fucking bullshit

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How the fuck is Jaws seeded #45?


It was about the Gump thing seeming like a poor imitator of Williams.

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Not enough views

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You chose correctly

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The Rocky theme doesn’t stand great on its own. But in montage form, it’s iconic.


True story blockbuster sued my friend, who was a high school student at the time, for $60 because he didn’t return an xbox game


I was waiting for that game.


Man with the Movie Camera is a silent film, so should be DQ’d. But doesn’t matter because it’s getting KO’d instead.

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What’s with this stepped on version of Jaws?

I don’t write em, I just post em.

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You’re getting the Cinema Paradiso vote wrong. One does not simply choose to sleep on a great Morricone theme just because you’re more attached to the other movie.