GOAT Movie Themes - The Championship

It was tremendous fun, but it’s understandably a 100% impossible sell to kids today, and I would struggle to say I truly wish for it back. And if, back then, you were given the option of “or you could just pick up this box that has everything and make a selection with one click,” most of us would have disbelieved at first and then snap-called once we did believe.

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I worked on three of the DVDs he picked up in that scene lol


I miss getting a Sunday paper at Starbucks.



I did my capstone project in college on Blockbuster, when they were struggling but not bankrupt yet. Netflix was still a mail dvd service and had just started experimenting with streaming. We got laughed at and docked by a professor for arguing that streaming was the biggest future threat to blockbuster.


He is now running the last remaining Blockbuster


Don’t know if you had Movie Gallery in your town, but I worked there for many years at corporate HQ. A burnout attorney and his stoner friend started what became the second largest movie rental chain in North America on a whim, right in my little hometown. I still can’t believe it worked.

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  • I have a feeling I’m going to be biased against the songs with lyrics, but The Matrix one didn’t really do much for me.
  • Crimson Tide bored me for a bit, then had me, then it lost me again.
  • Di Vinci Code I guess. Neither one did it for me.
  • Braveheart in a stomping. I don’t know how it has under 2/3 of the votes right now.
  • Tough break for Anna Karenina. I’d be voting for it against most others in this group.
  • Exorcist was cool, and I’ve heard that Free Willy song enough for several lifetimes.
  • Haven’t seen The Village, but surely the music is better than the screenplay. Doesn’t really matter, because Jurassic Park is the opponent.
  • Liked both of these. Liked Charlie a little more though.
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I’m genuinely less confused by Trump voters than people voting Charlie over Blade Runner. :crazy_face:


Needs to be recognised that the Exorcist theme is actually part 1 of Tubular Bells from Mike Oldfield though:

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I reckon my favorites from the first batch are Blade Runner Blues and Jurassic Park. The thing about the Raiders tune, though, is that whenever you hear that sequence of chords it tickles awake the ten year old inside yourself. It’s like the smell of your mom’s best dish.


Shit forgot to nominate this for the TV show one


As a fan of both this show and the TV bracket, I’m not sure this makes it out of round 2. It’s a fine theme, but it’s not a contender. Guess that new season starts tonight though, huh? Might not be able to catch it until tomorrow.

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I really like how they use different versions of the same theme to express different moods


The Wire theme didn’t last long in the TV theme tourney

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Looking forward to the next round of brackets. I loved the TV theme tourney (more so until voters started getting too many things wrong), but I like that this one feels like a more deliberate process where in most cases I’m going to have to listen to much more of the clip - often the whole thing - and that the clips are going to tend to be longer.


I LOVE this theme!

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Round 1, Block 2, Matchup 9

#8 Ghostbusters


#121 Men in Black

#8 Ghostbusters vs. #121 Men in Black
  • #8 Ghostbusters.

  • #121 Men in Black

0 voters

Round 1, Block 2, Matchup 10

#57 Goldfinger


#72 Stayin Alive (Saturday Night Fever)

#57 Goldfinger vs. #72 Stayin Alive (Saturday Night Fever)
  • #57 Goldfinger.

  • #72 Stayin Alive (Saturday Night Fever)

0 voters

Round 1, Block 2, Matchup 11

#25 Best That You Can Do (Arthur)


#104 Il Postino

#25 Best That You Can Do (Arthur) vs. #104 Il Postino
  • #25 Best That You Can Do (Arthur).

  • #104 Il Postino

0 voters

Round 1, Block 2, Matchup 12

#40 Godzilla: King of the Monsters


#89 Against All Odds (Against All Odds)

#40 Godzilla: King of the Monsters vs. #89 Against All Odds (Against All Odds)
  • #40 Godzilla: King of the Monsters.

  • #89 Against All Odds (Against All Odds)

0 voters