GOAT Movie Themes - The Championship

You and me both. I love a handful of the songs but don’t really like the movie.

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Apologies if this was nominated already, lots of YouTube videos are showing up as black boxes until you play them.

Live and Let Die

If this is primarily for themes and not songs, I believe the horn section is also used as a theme in the movie.

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Good enough for me.

My two cents on the ones being challenged:

Let It Go - Tough call, leaning towards allowing it. I feel like it’s as justifiable as Circle of Life.
Bohemian Rhapsody - Absolutely fucking not. It has more justification as a Wayne’s World theme than it does as a theme for that movie.
Shallow - Seems fine to me. Not sure what the argument is against it.
Lady Marmalade - Maybe it’s because I didn’t see Moulin Rouge, but I don’t know anything else from the movie outside of this song. I’d allow it as the iconic song from the film.
Nightcall - I’d allow it, even though I’m not really a fan.
I Would Do Anything For Love - Somehow worse than Bohemian Rhapsody. All the LOLs if this actually is allowed.
Jailhouse Rock - Definitely allow it.


Let the record show that I’m not the one who clicked the challenge X against Jailhouse Rock. But I’m sure as hell voting against it on the basis that it plainly transcended being a movie theme.

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Circle of Life opened its movie. Let It Go did not. It happens to be the part of a musical that popped the hardest. It’s got the same qualifications as Supercalifragilisticexpialadocious.


I think it’s got a better case than Supercalifragilisticexpialadocious.

Let It Go is THE Frozen song, whereas Supercalifragilisticexpialadocious might not even be the most famous song from Mary Poppins.

I’m not going to lose any sleep over it if it’s excluded. I did acknowledge it was a tough call.

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I thought musicals were out

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Oops. That’s my bad if I added any to the spreadsheet.

This is to do with Mary Poppins being an all-timer and Frozen merely being a good movie, which is always informed in musicals by the quality of the numbers and the consistency from one musical number to the next. Fair to guess that Supercalifragilisticexpialadocious would also crush the ever-living shit out of that “he’s a bit of a fixer upper” business.

I like Let It Go and I won’t be THAT fussed by its inclusion, but it’s definitely a hit song cosplaying as a theme.

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Mary Poppins, Frozen and The Lion King are all musicals. If we’re doing musicals, I have some thoughts. But I don’t think we are.

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Well yeah, The Lion King and Frozen both have entries in the spreadsheet, though I didn’t nominate them. In fact, I haven’t nominated a single lyrical song. At the risk of using the word “hero” slightly too loosely…

I agree that the ruling against musicals should exclude all.


I removed The Lion King and Frozen from the spreadsheet. Both are clearly musicals. We will do those in a separate bracket at another time.

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If we’re dumping musicals, need to also drop Jailhouse Rock, Moulin Rouge, and arguably 8-Mile.

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I’m going to argue for 8-mile. I don’t think it qualifies as a musical, more of a biopic with a few songs.

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Agree. Clarence’s parents have a real good marriage.

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