GOAT Movie Themes - Round 2 Block 3 posted

The list of great Bryan Adams songs starts and ends with “Summer of '69”.

I’m not sure anything released by him after that even qualifies as “good”.



He’s easily one of my favorite singers of all time. I love almost everything from his Bare Bones tour setlist.

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Hans Zimmer is among the best living composers.

Which reminds me…


I lean towards including songs like this, just because when you say “The Titanic song”, nearly everyone will be thinking this one. Can see the argument the other way though.

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Do musicals count? Maybe have their own bracket within the tourney?

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Heck yeah musicals count.


That one specifically has a pretty strong case because you’re getting instrumental notes of the underlying melody showing up throughout the instrumental score that underpins the movie. Ditto for Ghostbusters. I’m pretty sure you’re getting instrumental beats from that threaded through the film. These, to me, are a different thing - setting the merits of the Bryan Adams song aside - from the Adams song just getting tacked onto the closing credits of the movie and not otherwise having any involvement. It’s annoying when the Oscars award “best song” to a credits song that just comes along for the ride and has really nothing to do with enhancing the movie, but so far it insists on including those.

I’m just not sure what the rule would be though.

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At least for Robin Hood, the Bryan Adams song was written for the movie and includes hints in the score.

This isn’t a main theme, would be hard not to include.


Musicals are tough, because none of the songs will be a “theme”.

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I was thinking this too.

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If there are enough pop music entries then it seems like the thing to do would be to split the instrumental and the lyrical tracks into opposite halves of the bracket to avoid the apples vs. oranges thing.

Agree that things like the Imperial Theme being included without being a main movie theme, so it may be better to throw it open to all movie songs (preferably with a rule that the song had to originate with the movie).


1 bracket for John Williams, 1 for musicals, 1 for main themes, 1 for misc.

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Imo these are questions our music expert MrWookie will be most appreciated in helping resolve.

Regardless of what is decided with brackets, while we’re on the subject with pop songs intertwined with movies, it was cool to discover that Blondie’s “Call Me” actually splashed in as part of American Gigolo (including instrumental soundtrack notes during the movie). It was a perfect fit for that movie.

(I was curious if another good Richard Gere movie song, “It Must Have Been Love,” was original for Pretty Woman, but Google indicates that it was not.)

EDIT: though I guess Gere did get another great musical assist prior to American Gigolo.

Anyway, I do fear pop songs potentially steamrolling amazing works of art like the Schindler’s List instrumental theme, so I personally tend to disfavor them, but I’ll participate in whatever comes together.

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