Framed #601
Whiff, never even heard of it
Framed #601
Remembered that [redacted] had been in this movie but couldn’t remember the title. Never seen.
Framed #602
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Picking up that one in 2 is hella good, Chuck.
Fun movie for those who haven’t seen it.
Framed #602
Wow i wasn’t expecting this to be right, I don’t remember this shot (consciously anyway), not sure why this quickly came to mind
(Deer on empty road = zombie movie ? And then the houses look somewhat exotic I guess ?)
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Went too fast, should have got it on three.
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Framed #602
Was flipping around a couple of days ago and ran into the sequence in this frame on HBO or something. It looked cool so I set the tv to record it but haven’t watched it yet
Framed #602
Saw it once, quite good
Picked the frickin German one…twice
Framed #603
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Oh come on.
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Haven’t seen. Was really scratching my head for the first 3 then lol at 4
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