Framed (name that movie) - please blur any potential spoilers

Framed #558
:movie_camera: :red_square: :red_square: :green_square: :black_large_square: :black_large_square: :black_large_square:

Dont fuck with me Disney

Framed #558
:movie_camera: :red_square: :green_square: :black_large_square: :black_large_square: :black_large_square: :black_large_square:

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Howd you end up getting 6 but not 3?

Puzzle #101

Failure to look closely.

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Framed #558
:movie_camera: :red_square: :red_square: :green_square: :black_large_square: :black_large_square: :black_large_square:

Framed #559
:movie_camera: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square:

Framed #559
:movie_camera: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square:

Framed #559
:movie_camera: :green_square: :black_large_square: :black_large_square: :black_large_square: :black_large_square: :black_large_square:

I might not have gotten it with clue #2 but this one (a split screen for a De Palma movie) was a snap guess.

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Framed #559
:movie_camera: :red_square: :red_square: :green_square: :black_large_square: :black_large_square: :black_large_square:

Framed #559
:movie_camera: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square:

Never heard of it.

Framed #559
:movie_camera: :red_square: :green_square: :black_large_square: :black_large_square: :black_large_square: :black_large_square:

Guessed the wrong Depalma 80s movie on one. Gave up and then came back to it on 4 with Travolta.

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Its pretty good actually. If you have any soft spot for De Palma I’d give it a solid rec.

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I guessed a Francis Ford Coppola movie on slide one and felt real silly every guess afterward

Framed #559
:movie_camera: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :green_square: :black_large_square: :black_large_square:

Framed #560
:movie_camera: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square:

Framed #560
:movie_camera: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square:

Framed #560
:movie_camera: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square:

knew what this was on 5 but couldn’t remember the title (btw if anyone here has seen it i’d be curious to know if it’s worth watching)

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Its on my list. I have heard good things

Framed #560
:movie_camera: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :red_square: :green_square: :black_large_square:

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