I recognized him too but it didn’t help at all since I’ve never heard the movie name
Framed #546
I recognized him too but it didn’t help at all since I’ve never heard the movie name
Framed #546
Framed #546
Never seen it.
Fortunately I watch enough stuff where nerds won’t stop talking about this movie in particular.
Framed #547
That feeling where you get a bad score but rest easy in the knowledge that you were never going to do better.
Framed #547
Framed #547
Framed #547
Framed #547
Framed #547
What a fkin troll
I might actually change my opinion about people who can guess #547 fast lol
Framed #547
Framed #547
“I can think of at least two things wrong with that title.” is probably my most referenced Simpsons joke. Its such a stacked joke in a single sentence.
Framed #548
Clicked through with no guess five times.
Framed #548
Framed #548
Be curious if any1 else aces, but I just went by the beach view and the coloring
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Framed #548
Same here
Framed #548