Framed #93
love that one
Framed #93
love that one
Second photo was super-obvious
Framed #93
Framed #93
Framed #93
Had to think about it for a little bit
Combination of recognizing the shot and expecting this movie to show up sooner or later.
Framed #93
Framed #93
weird my guesses weren’t anywhere close to the answer until the combo of 3 and 4, I have zero recollection of pic 1 and 2. great movie though
Framed #93
Clue #1 is from an opening scene where there’s an accident at the mine. I’m not sure I would have gotten it if I hadn’t noticed that people in the shot (most obviously in the bottom half) are running toward something.
Framed #94
I don’t know if I should have gotten this earlier or not, but after staring at pic 6 hopelessly for a few minutes it finally dinged a good guess
Never came close. Never heard of this movie.
Framed #94
Framed #94
haven’t seen
Framed #94
Never seen. Could guess what it was (in the sense that I knew such and such a movie had been made around such and such a time) around frame 4 but didn’t remember what the name of the movie.
Framed #94
haven’t heard of it
Framed #94
Framed #94
Never heard of it.
#namethatride #2022-06-13
Figured the make and picked right from the autofill entries.
#Posterdle #2022-06-13
#Moviedle #2022-06-13
Framed #95
shockingly easy clue #2
Framed #95
Guessed the sequels first.
#namethatride #2022-06-14
#Posterdle #2022-06-14
#Moviedle #2022-06-14
Framed #95
I am so ashamed.
I guessed part 2 first.
I really should have known better.