Framed #981
Framed #982
Framed #982
Framed #982
Never seen.
Framed #982
Did see and I like this movie a lot but couldn’t find it.
Framed #983
Framed #983
Framed #983
Framed #983
Framed #983
Framed #983
Framed #984
Framed #984
Weird. I did not know this movie existed until about five hours ago when I ran across a discussion about it.
I vaguely remember hearing about this movie after looking it up. I mean you would think Ridley Scott directing, Cormac McCarthy writing, and a cast of Fassbender, Cruz, Diaz, Bardem, Pitt would be a surefire hit. Haven’t seen but from what I have read most of the fault seems to lie on Cormac. Turns out no matter how brilliant of an author you are writing your first true screenplay at 80 isn’t a given
Framed #984
Framed #984
Never heard of it.
Framed #984
I enjoyed this one quite a bit. Would recommend for fans of McCarthy and Ridley.
Framed #985
Actually frame 4 didn’t do anything for me. Just suddenly remembered the significance of frame 2
Framed #985