Framed #71
Framed #71
Didn’t see any specific clue, just guessed based on the fact that given this guy’s choice of films it was much more likely to be a recent movie set in the 70’s than an actual 70’s movie…i wish I’d been wrong
Got it on 6, haven’t seen it but it’s on my list.
Framed #71
Something about the first pic made me think it was a Deniro movie
Framed #71
Should have gotten it in 3. Not seeing what this dead giveaway in pic 1.
I thought Mean Streets at first myself.
Second was a give away.
Framed #71
Ah I think it’s the clown holding the sign. If I’d zoomed in to the pic I think I’d have got it in one.
And I went with Taxi Driver lol
Framed #71
Midnight Run for me
Do you mean Midnight Cowboy? That was my first guess, which I thought had a decent chance.
Haven’t seen this one, and didn’t know it was set in the 70s, so took me 4.
Framed #71
Doing it on my phone and didn’t notice anything until pic 1
That’s not 70s. Did it supposedly take place in the '70s? I’ve only seen it once.
I never said anything about it being from the 70s.
It was confusing because that’s what the people you were responding to were talking about.
I said that it looked like a Deniro movie. Then two of his movies were mentioned.
Ah, got it.
Framed #71
Framed #72
Luckboxed on this one since I recently saw some YT video involving Brie Larson and Samuel L. Jackson that was about this movie