Framed #47
Framed #47
Must have been something subconscious because my confidence level in this guess was near 0.
I think I saw like 10 minutes of this once was kinda meh
Framed #47
Framed #47
I knew it had a 9 in the title, put that in the box, then looked through the list. Still a little surprised I got it.
This movie is awesome. Come at me
Framed #47
Framed #47
Saw it once when it was released, remember liking it
it’s brilliant, but geez it was hard to watch.
at the time it came out, i had talked to two white guys from RSA, and they both said it how it was brilliant and absolutely real. i think i was quite taken by the allegory, but they had recognized it immediately as scenes they actually saw. which blew my mind.
Framed #48
Haven’t seen it, was never getting it before 5
Hahahahahaha I got today’s in one, I love this fucking movie
Framed #47
Framed #48
No idea from the first two.
That’s an accomplishment.
Framed #48
Framed #48
Same. Got the series right because of the fourth photo but not much more
First frame: wtf am I looking at?
Last 3 frames: I know the franchise but have no idea which one this is other than it’s not one of the good ones
Framed #48
Framed #48
First two not helpful and even after getting it, I don’t recall those scenes.
2nd clue was a clear guess for me, no idea how you can get it on the first one
Seeing this one in theaters at 12 yo without knowing anything about any of the other alien movies was a great experience, but I haven’t really thought about it much since (I think I rewatched it once).
Framed #48
Simultaneously embarrassed while being disappointed I didnt get on 1, but that likely never happens. Watched all of these way too many times.
Framed #49
man that was a pull to get it in 1
I remember being blown away by this in the theater. I was like 20.
Framed #49