Forum needs to tone it down a notch

that’s hardly coherent. i don’t think the snarky (is that what you’re aiming for?) line will work well for you.

just think what percentage of your posts outside your blog are meta-posts dedicated to telling the other users in the forum how poorly they post

I’d suggest reading 0% in future if that’s the case


I do think you should turn it down, yeah.

I literally have no idea what you want with the constant salad reference. i made a joke about a picture you posted and apologized immediately when i realized that it was taken the wrong way. it’s the exact opposite of your doubling down on how much everyone suck that you keep doing.

If you don’t see why it’s annoying for people to keep reading your meta-criticism while pointing out that it’s not even interesting enough for you to read, then I guess none of this matters. good luck.


Boy do you love lecturing people.

And I read maybe 5% of your posts.


This is the most centrist, establishment Democrat thread on this forum.

For shame.


People need a place to vent. Better here than to the people in their life or their coworkers or whatever. Go do productive things out in the world but yell and panic and celebrate the misfortune of others only where no one important will see it (sorry friends).

My normie friends don’t want to hear my honest belief that there’s only 10 - 15 years of decent living left in this world before the declining rate of profit and climate change combine to create an unimaginable hellscape for all of us. Well unimaginable to us,very imaginable to the many many people who already live in it. I need my WAAF homies for that.


Weird thread.

Team WAAF was having a pretty good year I thought.

Well yeah, but it’s considered at best center right anywhere else in the world

Ikr? I’m batting .345 with a 120 WAR and 28 homers.

Mike Trout!

The Republican’s are definitely drafting you.

Grunching, but OP is a bad person and should feel bad. Pls may we have a pole so I can vote “bastard”.

1 Like

Should we have a pole so that d2_e4 can vote “bastard”?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters



The lack of bastardity in this poll displeases me

I know. I figured my silly language would make it clear that I was being facetious too.

Way to curb stomp the joke, guys. Plaudits all round.

Maybe the forum tone police can get to how the word “bastard” is a micro-aggression against people with unmarried parents.

Wait till they hear what other words I know.