Thanks to all who are donating! This is shaping up to be a monthly thing at $300 a month so ideally we could get some monthly donators or maybe even some people who would like to sponsor a month on their own.
Have confirmed a bunch of dates to serve dinner at the shelter:
- January 26
- February 22
- March 23
- April 27
- May 25
- June 22
- July 27
This is the organization: Union Station Homeless Services
And we are participating in the Adopt-a-Meal program:
They have a super legitimate commercial kitchen space with all the tools anyone could need. 6-burner gas range, two ovens, fryolater, flat top griddle, 3-bay dish sink, big ass dishwasher, and a walk-in fridge.
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I could maybe stand to lose a few pounds, but I’m not that big.
$50 donation received (thank you). Puts us at $250 for the Jan 26 meal.