Everyone's out of step but me - Cactus's Covid Appreciation Thread

Mother fucker you do not know this. Your girlfriend was fucking bar hopping in New York before traveling home to wherever you live.


On Purge Night, Cactus goes on a killing spree, all the while saying, “I know this isn’t right. In fact, I don’t want to be doing this, but the government says I can, so it’s on them. If you don’t like me murdering people against my will, call your local rep in the morning, assuming you’re still alive.”


I regret that I have but one heart to give for this post

I lold.


I’m sure everyone ITT has already written much more strongly worded letters to the NFL, NBA, and MLB as they have, and continue to allow, hundreds of personnel to play, sweat, spit, and bleed on each other in close proximity on the field without a mask each week, while hundreds of others stand on the sidelines some with, and some without a mask (many wearing it wrong). Right? Can you guys post your copies of these letters where you call them irresponsible fucks? I’d love to read them all as I’m POSITIVE not one of you self righteous pricks is watching the KC/Vegas game right now

Btw I tested negative, which I find truly strange given how contagious it is. We weren’t intimate while she was positive and I slept in a different room, but we were in the same room watching movies a lot

My point stands. Most people will NOT die from this and have very little to worry about. The number of deaths is truly tragic and we should all do our share to prevent as many as possible. But if you or anyone you know has an underlying condition that puts them at increased risk, they should quarantine and not go NEAR anyone who was likely exposed.

As to the person who said my gf may have exposed someone at a bar or on the plane, those are high risk places and if you’re in a bar, gym, plane, etc., and get covid, I think you’re a goddamn fool if you try to blame anyone but yourself. The elderly should stay home. Anyone dealing with an elderly person should exercise an abundance of caution not to put them at risk. It would also help if there was some common message from federal and local governments. Everyone else should just use common sense to not spread or get it. But I do think the fear factor volume ITT is way too high and should be toned down a couple of notches. What’s more important is the ravaging effect this will have on people going forward in a ruined economy and that was already well on it’s way to being ruined for the average person imo

Do you feel that the likely close to a million dead would agree with you on this point?

‘Not anyone I know so who cares’ - 95% of Americans, 90% of everyone else in wealthy countries

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Athletes are literally tested every day or two, symptomatic or not. The NBA was completely bubbled. Why so you have to deflect and make excuses for everything?

60 minutes had a piece on the NYC post covid care center and they said basically everyone they deal with is:
Under 40
Did not originally require hospitalization

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Jesus what an irredeemable piece of fucking shit you are.


If they understood statistics and probabilities they should. There was once a man who died from an eagle dropping a tortoise on his head. I’m sure if you told him it’s nothing to worry about he might have a different opinion.

As near as I can tell, the survival rate for covid is just under 97% overall. 95% of those deaths are people over 65. 50% are over 80. And fully 80% of all deaths involve at least 1 comorbidity

This pandemic is bad and I’m not one of those running around saying, “Oh, but look how many people die each year from the flu!”. This is far more deadlier than the flu. Anyone at high risk or knowing someone who is, should take extreme precautions. Everyone else should go out of their way to take reasonable precautions. But you just aren’t going to get hundreds of millions of Americans on the same page with a divisive president and politicians who have made wearing a mask go from sound scientific advice to a political issue

As to athletes, I think it makes my point rather than yours. Even with every day testing there are still outbreaks among teams. I don’t think I’m being at all unreasonable. I realize the seriousness of this pandemic and think wearing a mask just make sense. Like I wouldn’t attend a rally or walk into a store without one. But the biggest reason we have so many preventable deaths in the US is inconsistent messaging in our politics. To the point where almost half the country is anti science or still thinks it’s some kind of a hoax. The very best thing that can be done is to pay people to stay at home, rather than tell people to stay home and by the way, if you lose your job good luck paying your bills because you’re on your own. It’s all in the failed messaging stupid

Story checks out :+1:

When I think about the range of covid responses on this board, I am probably far closer to Cactus’ approach than others. But he and I may get there via different thought processes.

Some of what Cactus has said is a bit blunt for my tastes. But I do think the general fear response to covid is far greater than necessary. Mostly, I believe on a deeply subconscious level there are many people really enjoying the pandemic because the lockdown has created a communal experience that validates beliefs about a dangerous world.

I wear masks and believe a failure of federal leadership has been devestating.
I also believe the mental health impacts of some peoples’ covid responses and protocols are, overall, worse than the impacts of the virus.

There are 1.4 million confirmed and likely more than 2 million actual deaths.

So waitresses, bartenders, flight attendants, gym instructors etc. only have themselves to blame?

95% of deaths over 65 is about as accurate as everything else you have said. It’s more like 80%. Excess deaths this year actually has the largest percentage increase in people 25-44 as old people die more on average from just about everything ldo(from the CDC):

The largest percentage increase in excess death this year is in the 25-44 range:


You’re right. I was being US centric and looking forward.

What’s weird is the majority of the people whining about the mental health impact are the anti-maskers, the maskless gym goers, and the indoor dining and bar crowd. I have no doubt this thing has taken a mental health toll but there basically were no restrictions from May-present. Yet I still see people talking about the very real mental health problems as if they somehow stemmed from a lockdown that ended 6 months ago. It’s almost like letting a deadly airborne virus run rampant for almost a year with no discernable plan is the problem.

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this is so weird

Maybe a bad usage. I just woke up. Let me try again. There is a large mental health cost as a result of the pandemic. Most of the people I see attributing it to government lockdowns are also the ones who have lived their lifes as normal the last 6 months. It’s almost like it’s an excuse for that subset to behave poorly rather than a good faith concern.

I also don’t see people taking this seriously whining about it. They are concerned about it but not using it as a way to score political points. They don’t have any plan or suggestion to treat the problem except get OPEN FOR BUSINESS, pretend the virus is fake and end mask usage. Do any of us think that would actually work? Hope that helps.


Those same people also strenuously object to, say, any government funded health care including mental health care. Makes one question their sincerity.