Everyone's out of step but me - Cactus's Covid Appreciation Thread

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Donā€™t think I donā€™t know that youā€™re not getting any of this on purpose. Youā€™re not dumbā€¦ No one is on the floor except the personal trainers and they donā€™t wear masks. Iā€™m not even sure if you could do a proper workout wearing a mask, although they are coming out with sports masks and I have one for riding. Thereā€™s a reason you didnā€™t see basketball, baseball, and now football players wearing masks (although some not playing and on the sideline do). I also said I wore a mask when entering the gym so as not to expose any employees who might only be there for a paycheck. Enter at your own risk should go without saying when walking into gyms, restaurants, or bars. Surely you wouldnā€™t go to the gym or indoor restaurant only to be shocked to learn you caught coronavirus there. Or maybe you would?

It was apparently option B. I was wrong about the constitution and I definitely think the government is prime source of negligence for covid getting so out of hand

Im not sure that would poll well hereā€¦

One thing Iā€™ll do is own it when Iā€™m wrong. I had already been exposed to her before learning she was poz and even before she told me she wasnā€™t feeling well. Also, you do realize that people do still get regular colds and fevers, right? Iā€™m not kicking her or myself out of our own house and requiring either of us to wear masks. I thought for sure my boss was gonna donā€™t you dare come in. Hope sheā€™s okay, NOT I want you here anyway. That was far more irresponsible than anything I did, but hey, you guys have me to pick onā€¦ And I have every reason to think that if I got my boss to log on here, youā€™d somehow find to side with him while still trashing me for going in :rofl: :joy:

Thatā€™s kind of my whole point and why I instigate the snowflakes on this site. We better start learning how to hold a dialogue with those who donā€™t agree with us without having to resort to insults and name calling. That goes for those inside the party and the majority of the 70 million people who just voted for Trump

There are always going to be people who just donā€™t agree with you on an issue or two. You canā€™t trash their whole personal identity because of it. It just drives them away and creates deeper divisions

Edit: I mean, I couldā€™ve agreed 2 pages ago that everyone was right. Itā€™s best not to go to gyms and always wear a mask. But Iā€™m pounding home the point that millions of people donā€™t agree with that line of thinking and you have to find a better way to communicate with them. It starts with leadership (which we do NOT have in Trump) and everyone pulling together as one. Ridicule is rarely effective

Telling us we are triggered and snowflakes seems like projection based on your posting here. Why have you not dropped this yet?

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Me and the trumpers at work insult each other all the time. Sometimes in in a friendly not so friendly kind of way. Im a commie and they are fascist, what you going to do. I know that and anything that someone does not like caused trump to win.

If you are that bothered by insults just talk with the people who disagree with your actions but dont insult.

Aerosols are not confined to the floor, and the prevailing opinion is that covid is spread by aerosol transmission, not just droplets. And even then you should have the decency to protect even the unmasked. They may be blocked by company policy or something else out of their control from wearing one despite that being their best option for making rent and putting food on the table.

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Why not?

You get just as much oxygen in a mask as out of a mask

Why would we side with someone asking an exposed person to come in and expose the whole office?

Of course his asking you to come in is worse, but that doesnā€™t excuse your actions.

Nothing we have said shows we would side with a boss forcing an exposed employee to come in.


I donā€™t think you understand. He might be slightly uncomfortable. How improper!


The guy who waits for the government to tell him what to do in regards to covid also carries a gun at all times to possibly keep cops in check (lol as if he would ever do anything)

Just canā€™t make this stuff up

Edit: Iā€™m not re-reading that dumbass gun thread where everyone was arguing with him about guns but from my shitty memory I think one of his reasons was the one stated above, could be wrong though

Lol what?

Be sure to screen shot your rage tweets at Kamara, Rivers, and Robinson today

This is an idiotic right wing talking point. You are allowed to hold any position that you feel is correct, and I am allowed to hold the position that youā€™re being an irresponsible asshat that insists the government must do something before you bear an iota of personal responsibility.

Me saying that in no way infringes on your ability to hold such a dumbass position


Huge grunch here, but I didnā€™t want to derail the COVID thread when this popped into my head, nor did I want to waste this.


ā€œAllowedā€ was a bad choice of words. What I meant was that people are allowed to hold their view while not giving a shit about what you think about it. For example:

If you frequent gyms, bars, or restaurants right now only to be shocked that you got Covid from one of those places, you are a far bigger dumbass than anyone there who wasnā€™t wearing a mask

You donā€™t want to get Covid? Stay home. You donā€™t want the entire country crippled by it? Then get on your representatives to start shutting things down, paying people to stay home, and mandate mask wearing. Donā€™t blame the people who have little to worry about

This entire argument literally occurred as I lived with someone suffering from it. It sucks she got so sick, but sheā€™s 100% fine now (today will be 3rd day symptom free). Iā€™ll get tested before returning to work. No one was harmed by it. None of our family, neighbors, or anyone with an underlying condition. She and her friend got it from someone else (a risk they were willing to take). If either of them became deathly ill (or if I become deathly ill), thatā€™s on us. If you want to make sure you donā€™t get it, the only way is to stay at home. If you want cases to massively subside, then weā€™re going to have to look to our leadership. You have to be a fool to think the reason this country is doing so poorly is because of our citizens. Itā€™s not on the next moron you see walking down the street with no mask to protect you. Maybe he/she is just an asshole who doesnā€™t give a shit. By blaming them, you are in essence putting the onus of your health in the hands of tens of millions of people doing the right thing. Thatā€™s the epitome of stupidity if you ask me

You have zero knowledge of if she came into any contact with anybody on her trip that she gave it to who then died or gave it to someone else who then died. And not just people at bars but when she went into a store or past an employee at the airport.

Or you may have given it to someone at your office when you went to work and they will die or give it to someone else in the future who dies.

The government response has been awful, awful, awful. But itā€™s also on ALL of us to do our part for the greater good.

And without contact tracing and constant testing, nobody has any way of knowing if they harmed others or not from their interactions.


Canā€™t we blame sociopaths while trying to regulate their antisocial behavior at the same time? Theyā€™re complementary, not substitutes.