Everyone's out of step but me - Cactus's Covid Appreciation Thread

Wow the guy who said his 1st and 4th amendment rights would be violated by masks has absolutely no clue how the law works? Color me shocked

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exponential disease vectors

sorry if my fucking around upset you earlier, i was trying to keep it light

It appears very possible (likely) I was wrong about the constitution. I was NOT wrong that the constitution supersedes state laws and civil ordinances, but I found a couple of articles that would allow the federal government to mandate masks. Iā€™ve said all along that Iā€™m all for it. People should wear masks and those not responsible enough, or who just donā€™t give a shit enough about the welfare of their fellow citizens can fuck off imo. Everyone should wear a mask out in public. Although I still feel those willing to risk it should be allowed to do so if itā€™s not illegal as long as they donā€™t expose anyone else

I think blaming it on the population is insane. Especially, if the federal government CAN constitutionally mandate masks and distancing. You canā€™t blame 183k new cases in one day on the people. The government at federal and local levels are failing big time at controlling this. They need to PAY people to stay home. If they did this only for a short period, the number would quickly go down and weā€™d get some control over it. I find it both ironic and hilarious that people call ME a libertarian when they wanna absolve the government and place the blame squarely on roughly 330 million individual people such as myself, many who donā€™t give a shit if they get the virus or not, for causing this pandemic to get so out of control nationwide

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Seatbelts might be similar. The reason I donā€™t have a problem is because by not wearing a seat belt you are putting others at risk and/or taking a doctor away from someone else, and/or raising other peopleā€™s insurance rates. If you want to call this the same thing, fine. Then make it a law if itā€™s constitutional and stop blaming the people! You should be writing and calling your senator non-stop if youā€™re so aghast that people would exercise their legal rights and go to a restaurant or bar if itā€™s open. People are stupid. Write your congress person, mayor, or governor! Theyā€™re the ones engaging in negligent inaction

It is truly insane, yes.

Yes, strongly worded letters are always the answer!

You canā€™t deny that our federal (and many local governments) have failed us miserably in handling this pandemic. You just canā€™t expect millions and millions of people to do the right thing and put them in charge of their own, and everyone elseā€™s health and expect good outcomes.

99% of this spike is due to the fact that we arenā€™t doing strict lockdowns where activity is limited to essential commerce and workers while everyone else is PAID to stay at home. That, and no mandatory mask wearing and distancing. You do that for 4-6 weeks and I wanna say new cases would drop from 135k per day to <10k. But noā€¦ Everyone here wants to blame the millions upon millions of Americans - 98% of whom will get thru it just fine even if infected - for the countryā€™s complete and total mishandling of it. And then theyā€™ll have the audacity to blame THEM, instead of the government for their grandmother dying or their kids not being able to go to school. Thatā€™s a lot to expect from the citizenry in a free country with a population of 330M people. Place the blame where it belongs. Itā€™s not the people going to gyms, bars, and restaurants. Itā€™s the people allowing these gyms, bars, and restaurants to remain open while not paying people to stay home. Full stop imo

Itā€™s wild how much smarter an early 20s, gun-toting-while-I-jog Libertarian bro is than a bunch of people with exponentially more life experience and post grad degrees.

This new thread title is stupid.

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I had no problem with my name being used. I honestly get a kick out of being denigrated by the triggered snowflake branch of my party :rofl:

Wtf is this thread title?

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I never said I was smarter than anyone. And if I somehow implied that, I assure you it was unintentional. My main intent for engaging in threads like this (and the gun thread) is to show that while 90% of people here probably agrees with 90% of my position on things, that 10% they donā€™t, triggers the ever living shit out of them and they donā€™t know how to handle it without resorting to insults, name calling, etc. Itā€™s whatā€™s wrong not only with this country, but our beloved Democratic party. Itā€™s why Trump won once and damn near won a second time getting more votes than he did in the first election

It serves to show that if we donā€™t learn that not everyone is gong to agree with us and are allowed to hold different positions on various topics, we will continue to lose and lose and lose. If you notice most of my unfavorable positions on this forum have to do with pressuring government to do the right thing rather than blaming its citizens for every goddamn problem there is. That even includes the vast majority of Trump supporters


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lol Iā€™m not wearing a mask in my own home. Itā€™s just us and my dog

(in before Iā€™m insulted for being an irresponsible prick to myself and my dog)

Thatā€™s a very fair point and I think youā€™re right. I probably did misdirect my anger. Ideally, her friendā€™s college and NY bars wouldā€™ve been shut down. I initially thought she was being selfish because I had been quarantining to go back to work. I never said I donā€™t take protecting innocent people very seriously

Not sure what you mean, but I didnā€™t have a choice, which was the second point of my original post. I thought my boss was being an irresponsible dick for making me come in after I told him Iā€™d been exposed. If it were up to me, I wouldnā€™t have gone anywhere and that day I talked him into letting me stay home to quarantine while my gf remains poz and until I test negative before returning to work. I donā€™t know. Maybe itā€™s just me who thinks I was trying to be responsible. Or maybe itā€™s because I know of a hundred stories like thisā€¦

My buddy had to collect money from this older guy yesterday who said he learned he had 3 people in his house the day before who tested poz. He was on his way into a casino and today heā€™s getting on a plane to fly back home. Now THAT is someone who Iā€™d ridicule the way you guys are me ITT

You did, though. You take off your mask in the gym, which, even if you think the gym patrons are not worthy of your adherence to mask-wearing, the gym employees most certainly should be. Those are innocent people whose protection you donā€™t take seriously.

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So which is it?

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But she was sick and likely covid pozz and you didnā€™t just quarantine from her for 36 hours before your super important work thing.

You could have stayed in separate rooms and wore masks for those 36 hours, but you chose not to.

Thatā€™s not on the government or your gf; thatā€™s on you.

Just own it.


This too.