Everyone's out of step but me - Cactus's Covid Appreciation Thread

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I’m not saying you’re all wrong. I’m saying that people here are knowingly and disingenuously taking someone’s posts out of context and attacking them for kicks to make themselves feel self righteous

I don’t know what else you want from someone or how many times I need to repeat myself. I’m all for shutting things down. That’s a big deal and step in the right direction, wouldn’t you say? I practice wearing a mask out in public. Again, the single best thing people can do according to the experts. And I’m sure that’ll be followed up with, “but you don’t wear one in the gym!”, to which I say true. But everyone at the gym is willing to accept the risk. I practice safer protocol (outside places like a gym) and seem more concerned about infecting innocent people than over 50% of the people I see on the street

I do not question how smart people here are when it comes to covid, especially when I agree with most of what they say (and they should agree with most of what I’m saying, but they’re too disingenuous to admit it and only focus on omg but you go to the gym!". What I do question is where they direct their ire. Even smart people can be huge idiots when it comes to understanding what’s really going on and where blame should be placed

I’m out

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I like you as a poster, generally, and don’t wish for you to leave over this. But maybe a self examination is in order. I don’t think anyone here is really being out of line. I suspect the reason it upsets you is not because you think they’re wrong, but that you’re aware on some level that they’re right.

I would ask that you sincerely ask yourself whether these calculated risks are really worth taking just to get a little pump on. I am working out for the first time in years and it’s all from home.


Oof I wish I hadn’t come to this thread :face_vomiting:


The #1 thing according to experts is social distancing.

Mask is #2 and isn’t a cure-all. You are still risking exposing others when you wear a mask in public.

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How exactly would you propose that one would produce “a shred of evidence” that a single human’s bad behavior produces a “blip in the enormous spike we’re seeing”?

You are acting badly. You don’t care. Move on.

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I’m not on Reddit but I sometimes read Am I The Asshole? on Twitter. This is like a textbook situation and none of us should be surprised that Cactus pulled it off perfectly. Classic.


IMO this thread has run it’s course and should be locked

@Cactus, take a break, have 5-10 days on the sick from work and don’t leave the house - this represents a small time period in your young life and any boss / company that’s gonna fire you for doing the right thing ain’t someone / something you want to be around long term anyway.

On the one hand, you’re a gun toting jogger (runner), on the other hand you’ll suck the bosses cock no matter what the pandemic



Lmao free country can’t mandate masks. I too resent my totalitarian dictatorship Australian government mandating masks for the last four months and closing gyms now that we have zero cases for 11 straight days after having 700 a day three months ago!


Not sure what type of civil rights you Aussie’s have, but in the USA, I guarantee they can’t make anyone wear a mask walking down a public street any more than they can make you wear a MAGA hat

On what constitutional basis though? Not trolling, I am genuinely curious. Like when does it end if a public health policy isn’t allowed? Like if there was some disease that was 90% mortality and all you had to do was put a bandaid around your pinkie finger to stop it spreading would that still not be allowed to be enforced by law?

They make me wear other things. Let me walk down the street naked! Freedom!

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There are lots of places that require a mask walking down a public street. My city is going to start requiring it next week I think.

You don’t see how wearing a MAGA hat is protected speech in a way that wearing a mask isn’t? Really?

How about this: what is the difference between laws requiring a mask and laws requiring seatbelts? Laws requiring bathing suits at public beaches?


He’s just talking out of his ass.

They can and have mandated masks in all public places, which includes walking down the street, in some areas in the USA.

You are citing a civil ordinance, which is much different than the US constitution. I guess we’ll find out. Sooner or later some knucklehead is bound to challenge it in court. But it won’t be me because I’m all for wearing masks and wish everyone would

P.S. I lol at all the Karens who cry about their constitutional rights being violated at some Walmart. Privately owned buildings (and even publicly owned ones) can institute rules (such as no smoking, etc.). I’m not a lawyer (obviously), but I’d be super surprised if the US government can make you wear a mask walking down a public street without instituting some kind of marshal law. Again, I’m sure we’ll find out as someone is sure to challenge it

Where is the seatbelt law in the constitution


The founders never said in the constitution that you had to wear mask during a pandemic so I guess we are kind of screwed

Marshall law sigh

The Supreme Court has traditionally given state governments a lot of leeway in protecting health. Most of the relevant court cases, such as Jacobsen v Masschusetts, which I cited, deal with compulsory vaccination or enforcement of quarantines. Maybe the Trumpian SCOTUS majority will make a politically-motivated decision to overturn a mask ordinance, but they will be going against a ton of precedent if they do so.

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