Everyone's out of step but me - Cactus's Covid Appreciation Thread

Sorry man, I dont follow the 24/7 adventures of Cactus the wise. Did you post here that you werent going back to work after that post 12 hours ago? Did you go into the office yesterday, since that would have been before the post?

Another LIE! I was forced to go into the office, but haven’t been anywhere since she tested poz. Keep the lies a coming… Let’s see how many more y’all can manufacture from my posts

I mean this clown can’t even lie well, he literally admitted to going on a bike ride yesterday lol

My initial post was Sunday night after learning my gf was sick, but before knowing for sure she was poz. I had called my boss to let him know this and that I wouldn’t be coming in to a mandatory meeting. He told me I had to come in anyway. I thought that was insanely irresponsible, so I posted it to this Covid thread as an example of stupid reasons why the virus isn’t being controlled. From then on, I was continuatlly trashed because ~gasp~ I was going to a gym as recently as two weeks ago. The takeaway is that I’m a fucking ogre and menace to society while bosses are making employees who are LIVING with a potential infected person go into work and major delivery services have workers walking up to people’s doors without wearing mask. I’m scum of the earth

Glad to know I can go out naked in public because of 1st and 4th amendment rights

HUGE for nudists IF TRUE

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Stupid reasons the virus isn’t being controlled includes the following:


lol no one called you scum of the earth, geez you sound like a trump supporter

Also any comment on the 1st and 4th amendment rights that are being infringed on?

What is the lie?
You went into the office yesterday, which is after she pozzed.
You said you went bike riding yesterday (or was it Sunday?). Either way, it was after she pozzed.

We are only going off your own words in the thread. If we post something wrong, then tell us where you miscommunicated something rather than shouting LIES.

Any reasonable person gets what we are posting from what you’ve said in this thread. If we are mistaken, it’s not a lie, but rather it’s on you to correct what you posted that misled us.

You can’t whip out your dick, but you also cannot control what someone wears out in public without infringing on their civil rights in a free country. However, you can definitely mandate mask wearing within x feet of, or inside a building. Sorry if you don’t like living in a free country, but dems the breaks

So just to get this straight he came here to complain about how irresponsible his gf has been because it inconvenienced his ability to go back to work and make money and now he is here to complain about us complaining about how irresponsible he has been and potentially costing people’s lives and health.


lol what does that have to do with the 1st and 4th

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Cactus, serious question: Do you really think that we’re all wrong about this?

You’re talking a group of very educated and aware people who have been right about the coronavirus since January. And no one is even remotely on your side here.

Doesn’t that give you a little bit of pause that maybe you should re-examine your thought process? It would for me.


In a free country with amendments? how is this so?

You’re a gun owner, right?


When did you last leave your house?
When do you plan on leaving the house next?
Will that change based on if you test negative or positive? How?

So why can’t I whip my dick out in public?

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Why do you think the government can mandate that you wear a small patch of fabric that covers your dick, but they can’t mandate that you wear a small patch of fabric that covers your mouth and nose?



is rainbow text still a thing?

I can’t do this any more, so I’m done. I posted to make people aware of the irresponsibility of some companies during a pandemic. Period. From there, I was made out to be some mouth breathing anti mask wearing right wing nut case. When in reality, I’m pro shutting things down ASAP and mandating masks. I do not believe my lifestyle has much effect on the severity of this pandemic (although I will read the article that was linked upthread to see if I am under estimating that). I think the overriding problem is that we have no leadership in this country and the bigger powers that be are not doing enough. I am not as quick to blame citizens for all our ails as everyone here does. I don’t even blame them for why Trump came so dangerously close to winning a 2nd term. I blame government both for their corrupt actions against the interest of the people and for dividing us

Cactus needs a dear leader to tell him what’s good or bad to do, such a libertarian

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