Everyone's out of step but me - Cactus's Covid Appreciation Thread

I’m interested to hear you flesh this out a bit. If the government mandates masks in public places and arrests people who don’t wear them, what are the 1st and 4th amendment implications?

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Nobody gets it from me where? At the gym? Or everywhere else I go when I mask up. And you hope WHO doesn’t get it? Others that don’t wear masks?

You don’t have the legal right to injure others through your own negligence in non-covid situations, quite the opposite. I don’t think you understand what a “free country” is.

You are possibly exposing the people who have that mindset who will in turn go and infect others! Holy fucking shit, how dense can you be? You understand that this disease can be non-symptomatic, right? Like, we are nine months in. Please tell me you understand the basic tenets of how this thing works.


Dude we are on top of COVID. Like on top of it. We’re at a point where we can predict death totals a ways out and our models for infection rate are on top of it.

We also just pulled at least six figures out of betting on the election in a wide variety of ways.

We’re not libertarians because that political ideology has been an obvious dead end for longer than you’ve been alive. Simply put freedom, like nearly everything, has diminishing returns. It’s really really great until your neighbor has so much freedom he owns a flamethrower without any training at all and accidentally burns down your house… and doesn’t have insurance because it’s a free country.

Libertarianism has some truths hung here and there like hooks they use to hang the bullshit on. Every single one of those hooks is pretty load bearing and I’ve built some cool shit on top of it.

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Jesus fucking christ dude Trump’s got nothing on you when it comes to bald faced lies. Fox stopped airing Mceney. Maybe you should apply before he’s gone

A mask mandate is neither a search nor a seizure. Even if it was, it would reasonable and not unreasonable.

The police power of a State embraces such reasonable regulations relating to matters completely within its territory, and not affecting the people of other States, established directly by legislative enactment, as will protect the public health and safety.

See Jacobson v Massachusetts. This is settled law. We can quibble as to whether such mandates have been properly enacted, but requiring people to wear masks, even in public places, is clearly beneficial and within the mandate of government to guard the public health.

If you’re pozzed there are no countermeasures that are acceptable besides not being anywhere near anyone. I’m sorry but going out wearing a mask is for people who have no good reason to think they have it yet. This isn’t a grey area it’s straight black and white. If you’re going out with a 90-100% chance of being pozzed what you’re doing should be a felony that costs you 5-10 years of your life spent somewhere shitty. It would be better if you just drunk drove everywhere you went.


Last night you said this to me saying you were going back to work which implies you went/are going back. So stfu with this LIES nonsense.

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Hes already there, man. He could have been asymptomatic while going to the gym (whether he was or not) and spreading it to the people there. His moral responsibility is high regardless of whether he has infected anybody because he perpetuates the mindset amongst that crowd that it’s ok to be a grunting dumbass at the gym if you arent exhibiting symptoms, when it is clearly not ok.

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Motherfucker you said yesterday that you would be going into work because you couldnt tell your boss no.


But they are grunting dumb asses. The same grunting dumb asses whose germs I paid to avoid by buying home gym equipment before COVID even happened. Seriously I went from getting sick 4-5 times a year to 0-1.

This was posted 12 hours ago. The thread is less than 200 posts long. If you are going to lie about shit you said at least do it in a thread that has multiple thousands of posts so it doesnt take me two minutes to find it

Right because if I had his job, I’d have the sense to be wearing a mask when I walk up to people’s doors and rang their doorbell. Super bad look for me lol

You can continue fixating on the one aspect we don’t see eye to eye on and but you’re not making any headway. There are so many who would understand my side and disagree with you on this. Unfortunately, this forum is one big jerkoff fest of an echo chamber so no other side can be heard. It’s just me against a circle jerk

I still want to hear his reasoning on this because it has to be something hilarious


Every one of your posts insults the forum or one of us. Then you cry about how you are being picked on for your shitposting. Maybe Parler would be better for you?

Spoiler: He went into the office and on bike rides AFTER she pozzed.

But he is “definitely quarantined”

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What started my involvement ITT was my shock at being forced to go into work yesterday by my boss. I was against it. Now that that he’s consented to let me work from home I was very clear that I would NOT be going anywhere. But keep trying to pick up the few crumbs you can find to falsely accuse me of thoughts, actions, I don’t do or believe

Stop trying to limit his 1st and 4th amendment rights bro