English Premier League & Other Club Football Thread



sorry, because Iā€™ve said this twenty times in these threads, but Iā€™m saying it again! I think there is a better way to end a game than penalties. I do think penalties are better than infinite sudden death, and also that theyā€™re better than ADG threeways and NASL-era dribbly formats where attackers start from ~35 yards out and have x seconds to shootā€”I prefer penalties to these mostly because when you add dribbling then it gets weirdly muddled & pythagorean & dangerous and (above all) less watchable.

But in regular penalty shootouts almost all the pressure is on the shooters, and man, that canā€™t be right. I wish theyā€™d experiment in shootouts by moving the distance of the penalty spot back however far it took for the conversion rates to settle around 50% (as opposed to current ~85%). And I wouldnā€™t limit it to one spot, Iā€™d let the shooter pick their spot along a designated line or arc, and Iā€™d be open to adjusting this distance as data kept coming in. In a perfect world theyā€™d get to pick any point they wanted along the perimeter of the 18-yard box itself, but I donā€™t know if thatā€™s the right distance.

Imo this change would turn the current variance carnival into something way more skillful for both shooter & keeper. Keepers would feel a zillion times more nervous and isolatedā€”they would guess less and their dreams would be haunted by the potential for a historically humiliating flubā€”but they would also have better opportunities to make absurdly athletic saves that are more pleasing to the eye and mind than ā€œtwo-hour game ends when keeper flips a coin and ball smashes him in the neck.ā€

And while shooters might not feel the same soul-crumpling pressure to make every single penalty, theyā€™re also not gonna exactly relax at the prospect of a billion people watching them try to blast and/or knuckle and/or swerve a ball on goal from distance. The first time Fazio takes one of these heā€™s going to shank it sideways for a throw-in and the gifs will be great and the idea will have instantly paid for itself

I donā€™t know what Iā€™d do about regular penalties during the game. Yes it sucks when a fluky borderline handball yields a penalty kick thatā€™s an almost certain goal, and maybe thereā€™s a world out there where the referee is awarding two kinds of penaltiesā€”one for serious infractions inside the box that would be taken from the current 12-yard spot and another for more incidental stuff that would be taken from the farther 50% spotā€”but even just typing it out like that I can tell that such ideas are doomed because they just overcomplicate things and shift the argument to whether suchandsuch foul was worthy of the 12-yard spot. So I donā€™t really have an opinion about regular penalties, theyā€™re probably more or less fine as-is. But penalty shootouts are really unsatisfying!

PS any television production crew that films any kind of penalty whatsoever from the side as opposed to directly behind the shooter, I mean, I donā€™t even know what to do with these guys, I think the best I can say is that their entire worldview is just way different than mine.


I bet heavily on man city but I feel strongly it will draw

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Seems to be the team for tonight, I hope they do it just because there playing Chelsea.

Draw seems the best bet but who wants to bet that shit. :flushed:

I donā€™t think keepers should take penalties in a penalty shootout and not because of the eufa final, Iā€™ve alway hated it, seen it before and thought it sucked and really sucked for the keepers tbh, I mean wtf.

10-10 then thatā€™s a replay guys :grin:

But Neuer

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Coleraine 0




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64 mins
57 mins


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Saves me posting this for now


OK Calling it as I never predict a correct result.

2-0 Man city

Chelsea 2-1

Pulisic comes on at 60 and scores the tying and winning goal

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Iā€™ve got it up on YouTube BT Sport as itā€™s a better picture & on time, unlike my box :relaxed:

City is the best worst option I suppose :grin:

Definitely Chelsea

Because Pulisic

Decent game atm, end to end sort of pep style

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Kev need to drop back a bit and stretch those legs oot

Iā€™m supporting Kev tonight, he deserves a win in a major championship :speak_no_evil: