English Premier League & Other Club Football Thread

1 Austrian down

To be fair to the Ref it look like a 10/10 dive into your man by McTom there


Then denied a 100% penalty straight after there goal.

Edit: And now Armstrong with a great chance

Iā€™ll not mention there 2nd that was disallowed :rofl:

Shay Who?

On for Armstrong, possibly been our best player, alough that wouldnā€™t be hard.

Never in doubt :muscle:

You canā€™t argue with 1 goal in 1 game :ok_hand:

Itā€™s lashing it doon here & we should be 2 nil upā€¦ :weary:

Haggis in the mouth stuff






Overhead kick, a fucking beauty my friend :ok_hand:

How good is Austria?

Ranking History
Rnk DT
23 2020
26 2019
22 2018
29 2017

So are you happy with a draw?

Yes, absolutely.

We usually run very bad at the very start of a major qualifying campaign & drawing against the team that will top the group is a point worth 3 so to say.

Austria is a very good team who had players missing due to Covid-19 restrictions and we were expecting a loss last night even with the bulk of them missing.

Iā€™ve had this thought a while but so many keepers are trash. They have no anticipation of where someone is going to shoot.