I think what really matters is that Nazis think he made a Nazi salute.
They’re also both rich dudes who like to do drugs and philosophize about the state of the world, so I can see the connection. Elon probably likes Rogan’s overt machismo and Rogan is impressed by the Tesla and Space X stuff. I wouldn’t want to spend time with either of them, but I can kinda see how each one would enjoy spending time with the other, if that makes sense?
perfect sense, that’s exactly what it is.
rogan likes to delve into not too far but more than most depths of intellectual and weird stuff but that means some stuff gets on there that is straight up bullshit but he’ll snap believe it.
I know I’m late to the party here but that Elon/Harris bet is some extremely funny shit
This is obviously what it is
We know that Elon Musk has genuinely far-right politics and that he marinades in an online information environment rife with conspiracy theories. We also know that he delights in trolling.
He is willing to pursue these interests even in ways that damage his business. Think about X’s plummeting ad revenues after Musk platformed extremists. Or how he triggered an SEC lawsuit after vowing to take Tesla private at $420 a share (weed jokes, they’re hilarious). Or how, in the midst of a fight with Twitter’s corporate landlord, he repainted the sign to read “Titter” (boob jokes, they’re hilarious).
Elon Musk is many things: a brilliant entrepreneur, the world’s richest man, and a genuinely dangerous political extremist. But he also has a juvenile sense of humor and an adolescent love of transgressing against liberal America’s taboos. He is human South Park.
I think that’s part of it, but minimizes his actual Nazi beliefs. He’s not trolling when he supports the AfD, nobody who digs trolling even knows what that is.
South Park is funny.
how the fuck did the israelis go full nazi? what the everloving fuck happened here?
meanwhile stuff like this gets suppressed on most platforms, been flirting with bans on major major tech platforms simply for bookmarking stuff like this:
i’m literally cartman style “just asking questions” and people lose their minds broaching these topics which are extremely serious. why are foreign nations having so much control and say over the discourse on american platforms? (and it’s not the chinese). Because it’s GOOD FOR BUSINESS
The only aspect of Nazism that Israelis are against is extermination of Jews. Ultra nationalism and Romanticism are well ingrained in Israeli cultural fabric. Elon cant be a nazi cause he isnt rounding up the jews is a fairly common logic here.
what could a guy who has emigrated from south africa, runs multiple world wide companies that source parts and employees from all over the globe and does business in multiple foreign markets mean when he says globalism is evil??
Yep. The Trumpy people are mostly on board with “Jews Will Not Replace Us”.
There’s also some inherent disdain right-wing Israelis hold for non-Israeli jews, especially Americans. I guess you’ll hear rationalizing when rounding up starts.
power is a hell of a drug
Hard disagree on that. South Park is actually funny.
Edit: However, pony is slow and not funny.
Power and perpetual war
If neo Nazis are celebrating you, you might be a Nazi.
part of the reason the story I posted earlier pisses me off so deeply is because the rhetoric since AI came out has always been pretending to care about safety, the betterment of humanity, etc, openAI even having some nonsense in their publicly stated objectives about how it wont be used for military purposes - then the very first thing msoft and openai do is shovel billions in money and increasingly scarce tech resources to the IDF for reasons we dont fully know yet but have been pretty easy to make some guesses. and it extra pisses me off when people try to be like “well gee whirlickers what could biden do?” i dont know, for all his talk about ai safety and all that, could we maybe not weaponize this tech to kill thousands of children and exterminate a population? like am i taking crazy pills, or is that a totally unreasonable ask? and people like to pretend this isnt happening at all. if you talk about it on basically any platform i can think of except this one you will be fairly quickly silenced.
the only good thing I did in my life was refuse to try to work for the big FAANG companies, because if anything I worked on even whiffed of touching any of this stuff, and most of them are complicit, I would not be mentally okay right now at all. the fact that so many people in tech can just compartmentalize and rationalize this for a paycheck makes me feel ill.