Mahr very briefly spoke truth to power once in 2001, he’s been a bog standard center-right Libertarian tool ever since. Rogan is just sort of an idiot. He backed Bernie once when that was trendy but then he quickly backslid into Trumpism.
John oliver rarely has a terrible opinion
Jon Stuart seems reasonable lately
to me the biggest problem lately is the lack of reliable journalism being done, to the point where I’ve taken up some of that on my own, where I can, but I’m not a fucking journalist. I’m just angry.
It’s crazy. All the sports subreddits talking about it.
omg y’all, I thought having a common enemy meant we’d all get along again.
Anyway, it’s just this but IRL…
…and I was going to link a youtube of the Key & Peele skit where Peele visits Key at his new house and Key has a “charlie chaplin” moustache and a nazi flag, etc and it just keeps getting explained away as jokes or movie memorabilia or whatever but whaddya know, it’s like the only episode not on youtube!
Once it gets bad enough we will all team up again
My wife and I used to watch almost every Last Week Tonight, but his nuclear episode was so bad and filled with misleading information my wife couldn’t trust him any more and I lost a ton of respect as well.
Thank you! Of course he had to cut off the punchline of the whole skit because it gets banned
(hint, they walk in the kitchen and he’s got a nazi flag and explains it away as being a prop from some comedy…movie memorabilia)
I love when Tik Toks just put random captions because they think thats what is being said. “Welcome to my boat”
The Great Dictator with Chaplin?
I don’t remember because I can’t find the full skit anywhere to remind me! I just recalled the existence of the skit and the plot, not all the details. Totally forgot about the dog.
not sure I saw that one, I don’t take everything he says without a grain of salt, lots of it is what I consider “pop” news commentary but as far as like a rare voice that’s actually somewhat sane he fulfills that role for me, I don’t consume much opinion news really anymore for the last 3 years
I have some journalists whose podcasts I listen to on extremely niche topics I follow, not too sure there’s many good mainstream news sources anymore. idk what the fuck happened to cnn, last i turned it on i felt like i was watching fox news from 15 years ago. maybe ive changed and i’m just only now realizing it, idk.
if I need anything unbiased I have to compare like 8 different sources and figure out the common thread to figure out wtf is going on anymore
Man, we really are just replaying the hits, but worse… Remember after the Kavanaugh hearings where we spent a few days debating whether a woman sitting behind him was giving an “ok” sign or flashing a white power symbol?
Good times.
She was and they were.
One half of America: it wasn’t a Nazi salute. Confirmation bias!
Other half of America: it was a Nazi salute. Occam’s razor!
Day 2 and it’s already exhausting.