Elon Musk: The Reichest Man Alive

Josh Johnson brings it again

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I love that guy. His standup has started showing up on my IG feed and I really enjoy it.

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“First they came for the socialists…” is the first goddamn line in the poem

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Haha love this shit. Don’t forget he was also killed by Hitler during World War 2. Just more evidence imo.

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Every time I see one of these things I just think about the daily experience of the leagues of Musk sycophants who hitched their identify to supporting every thing he does or says. Just getting up every morning checking on what inanity they will have to support today. “Hitler was a socialist - Jesus Christ. Is it too late to join the Moonies?”

It is true that Röhm had some grand ideas about redistributing wealth that could sort of be called socialist. But Hitler wasn’t into that, and all of it died along with Röhm on the night of the long knives.

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Wow, I wonder if he bought a 5 year membership to that shithole w/ his money.

I think he’s already a US citizen.

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Not going to watch it, but presented for your consideration.

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I’d like to see ol’ elon musk wriggle his way out of THIS jam!

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Zuck is pissed b/c Meta sucks and no one young is signing up to Facebook and the olds are dying. Like every other self centered billionaire, it’s never his fault and he’s lashing out.


This is perhaps the wildest thing piece of info on Musk I have come across. And it kind of pulls everything together and makes so much sense.

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Are you telling me the guy who sued using shell companies to get hawaiians out of their homes just so his estate would be bigger is kind of a piece of shit?


Funny the von Braun connection isn’t mentioned in either of two major biographies of The Elon. Interesting though.

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Well how else could he secure the grazing land for his private stock of cattle that feed on organic macadamia nuts? You guys are SO selfish…

“He is a truly evil guy, a very bad guy,” Bannon added of Musk. “I made it my personal thing to take this guy down. Before, because he put money in, I was prepared to tolerate it; I’m not prepared to tolerate it anymore.”


Hall of Fame level:



Oh myyyyyyy

What are Bannon’s ties to Trump these days? I thankfully have no clue.

Idk either. My impression is he has no real power except through his influence on MAGA.