Elon Musk: Proof that morons can become trillionaires

I just, just love the very minorly “oh shit” pause right at :53. Its just, so, so great.

Spotify : Rogan :: Cucker : Twitter was not on my bingo card.

Why? Musk saw that the Tucker tweet got a bajillion clicks, he gets to have one of the most viewed cable hosts ever posting for free, I don’t see the downside on this particular thing. This is the thing that will finally cause people to flee Twitter en masse? X to doubt.


He’s not posting for free. Elon will be paying at least $50M. Tucker would get 25 just for doing nothing and the show will need to be made.

I found alt-right twitter.

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Sorry if I missed it, Musk is paying to produce this?

If Elon were smart, any deal would be structured as a guarantee of much less than $25 million with engagement-based incentives that can bring it over.

Maybe he’ll just pay Tucker in Twitter stock.

It ain’t going to be made with sunshine and rainbows. Tucker follows money and musk has money.

April tweet from Kara Swisher.


I choose to look on the bright side. Tucker on twitter is an opportunity for us all to sharpen our statistical skills.


You’re the average twitter using american. You’re 40, you live in a suburb in chicago, you make 80k a year as an “insurance analyst” or something. You voted for Bush in 2004, Obama both times, not at all in 2016, Biden in 2020.

You use twitter to follow some local news and weather and a few people you like. Its kinda funny and amusing, you use it a few times a day.

You’re at work and its slow, so you get on the twitters. You’re immediately greeted with a splash screen of Cucker Tarlson’s face announcing his new show, and telling you all about how “they’re coming to get you” and “immigrants are making this country dirtier and poorer”. Your 35 year old mixed race supervisor, who you like, but are not totally sure likes you, turns the corner, sees your screen, and you hear her deep, deep sigh.



All social media eventually descends into right wing madness because those morons are engagement machines. It works for Facebook because the only people left are racist boomer morons but it’s not going to work for twitter whose core user base is educated liberals.


It’s the opposite of Fox News, which taxes all cable viewers so old retirees can hate immigrants. Twitter is global and free and talks back.

Elon is so dumb.

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I’ll say it again, perhaps having the entire world economy based solely on algorithms created by 25 year old white male autistic weirdos ain’t all it’s cracked up to be. And I say this as a man who was once a 25 year old white male autistic weirdo (I’m older now).




Group A has 1 million people

Group B has 2 million people

Everyone commits exactly one crime on a randomly chosen person.

Group A commits (expectation of) 2m/3m (group B pop/total pop) * 1m (group A pop) = 666666 crimes on members of Group B.

Group B commits 1m/3m (group A pop/ total pop) * 2m (group B pop) = 666666 crimes on members of Group A.

That’s right, isn’t it?

(again, there are other major problems and it’s not really relevant as the issue is about how the same kinds of crimes are treated by the criminal justice system and not how frequent they are)

People really overrate the reach of Tucker.

He drew in 3 million viewers a night.

The Zelda game that is coming out this week will sell 30 million copies.


Nobody GAF about Tucker. His audience will dutifully tune in for whatever racist piece of shit is on Fox at 8pm. They can’t even access Twitter unless their grandkids put it on their phone. NBC gave Megyn Kelly like $50 million and her audience was roughly equal to a Tuesday night MAC game.


i hated watching this video even though it’s only one minute long. but i had to check and he doesn’t mention elon once. neither does the bloomberg article about it.

obviously though, OBVIOUSLY elon personally lobbied for this outcome and considering tucker isn’t fighting fox to be paid i’m very confident elon is paying this dude big bucks to further rightwingify twitter


I’m no sociologist, but…

Let’s hope this works out as well as Ninja leaving Twitch for Mixer