Elon Musk: Proof that morons can become trillionaires

Like every other fascist doofus thirsty for a strongman dictator Elon thinks he’ll be spared when proscription comes and he’ll watch his enemies get what they deserve.

Sulla’s list kept getting longer. Started with 80 personal enemies, ended up killing thousands. Even though the dude was already dead, he dug up Gaius Marius’ body and scattered the bones. He had his old upstairs neighbor thrown from the Tarpeian Rock for hiding one of the proscribed. Elon best not form too many attachments.

Understandable, potentially forgivable.

Perhaps we need a modern day, left-wing Sulla.

Git to work on that book

Looks like Twitter has finally made it so that people without Twitter accounts can’t see individual tweets. I don’t have an account and I used to be able to see tweets. Now I get a prompt to sign in or sign up. Are others without accounts experiencing the same thing?


I’ve been getting that for a long time

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It comes and goes for me (when I’m not logged in). Not sure why.

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Huh. Wonder why I’ve been able to see tweets for so long then?

I might be mis-remembering things a bit, I think I could see an individual linked tweet but if I clicked on the user to see his whole tweet thing it would prompt me to sign up and I would be all lol fuck off.

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I have always been able to see them since deleting my account until just now when I tried to view that Peterson twit. But I remember a time a few years ago when I was active and got banned from there that it was also like that so I am not sure if it is a new thing or something that comes and goes.

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Previously I could see an individual tweet, but if I scrolled or tried to view more, I’d get the sign in/sign up prompt. Now I can’t even see an individual linked tweet.

Exactly my experience this morning.

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Yup, I’m getting that too now. Lol Twitter

Twitter can’t die fast enough. Keep working your magic Elon.

Yep, I’ve been able to click on tweets linked here. And there is one person’s twitter I would google and check every few weeks.

But today I can’t see anything.



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When I click on any link to twitter now my lastpass extension goes into an infinite loop of requests for about 20 seconds until twitter IP bans me. Good stuff apartheid emerald man. :+1: :+1:


Continuing the ancient Rome theme. Cue gladiator memes.

How it will go: