Elon Musk: Proof that morons can become trillionaires

All men who are Actually Very Confident do this. He’s not even mad, he’s laughing!




if they did it, they would try to make money and make it like the most expensive pay per view ever. and that’s what’s wrong with them in the first place. they should be grateful for this privileged position in life because they won the capitalism lottery and should want to give back to society by punching each other shirtless for free on television. should!

but yeah the money is on zuckerberg all day. dude is a serious hobbyist at judo or karate or some shit


For the whole debate legitimizes thing here’s an example of someone interacting with someone who he thinks is a crank and discusses it. I don’t know if it changed too many minds. I’m sure the cyrpto kids didn’t but it sure didn’t legitimize the guy either

In 2013, he published a lengthy report explaining how he estimated the true inflation rate. In that piece he did the exact calculation I did above, showing that methodological changes lowered the measured price level increase by 5.1 percent between 1980 and 2011.

But then he makes a big mistake:

The aggregate impact of the reporting changes since 1980 has been to reduce the reported level of annual CPI inflation by roughly seven percentage points, where 5.1 percentage points come from the BLS’s published estimates of the effects of the individual methodological changes on inflation, shown in the preceding table. The balance comes from ShadowStats estimates of the changes not formally estimated by the BLS.

I’ve bolded the huge, gobsmacking error here: the word “annual.” That 5.1 percent difference between the CPI-U and CPI-U-RS indexes didn’t happen in a single year; it’s a cumulative change in prices over 31 years. To compute an annual rate, you have to divide 5.1 by the number of years over which the change took place.

Williams doesn’t seem to realize this. He thinks methodological changes reduced the measured inflation rate by 5.1 percent every year . This is akin to driving your car 2,000 miles during a 31-hour road trip and then concluding that the car was traveling at 2,000 miles per hour.

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Elon sits on his ass, takes drugs, and is likely on the Wegovy fitness regime. One thing I learned in wrestling is that a high level of fitness is half the battle. Start again after a summer off and could barely wrestle for a minute.

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ya wrestling/boxing/fighting are incredibly taxing cardio wise, if its not something you are used to you will absolutely be gassed extremely quickly.


Obviously you have never seen Elon’s yacht body. Corded steel and raw power.


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I fought this kid in 8th grade. We both got so tired we agreed to take a break. Then started fighting again. I think we had a no hitting in the face rule too.

If I ever write a script with kids that age I’m going to re-enact that fight. Every single thing about it was the dumbest thing ever.

It started because he said this “Nice hot pink pants!” to this girl on the bus in the morning, and I told him they weren’t pink, they were magenta. That somehow escalated to the point where we agreed to meet after school. With spectators. I remember at one point we were wrestling, and it was muddy, and I accidentally pulled his sweatpants down in front of everyone.


Pretty much had the same thing in 8th grade, though it was over whether a shirt was purple or puce. (Ok, not the last part, but the 8th-grade fight with spectators.) It went to the ground and I hockey-shirted him (shirt over head), though probably not intentionally. Don’t think much damage was done either way.

The claws would be out

My only in-school fight was in Home Ec with my friend Jeff. Somebody was mad about somebody else not doing their share of clean-up. He sprayed me with Windex or something, I hit him with a dishtowel, and it was on like Donkey Kong. We got sent to the office and even then felt like the biggest dopes.

You sound like you went to a rough school.


That’s how the Musk/Zuck fight is going down

Do bad advertisers drive out good ones?

Zuk would destroy Elon, which is enough of a reason to be completely on board with this.

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Musk is 6’2, Zuck is 5.6’. I’d imagine most mma fans adore musk and despise Zuck giving him a home field advantage + possibly better training. He’s a bit older tho.

I guess we got to call it trans-transgender.

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His yacht rock is hard core

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I dunno, even though he was rich, Musk grew up in South Africa. I imagine that he probably is harder than rich kids growing up in. The states. Zuck, while way more fit, is a soft nerd. I think it would be closer than you’d expect based solely on conditioning.