Elon Musk: Proof that morons can become trillionaires

I got some good news for you.


I disagree there aren’t options. Go to South America or Africa for launch sites. One or two months to build a new pad. Can probably get support from China. They seem to like Starship a lot; they’re already copying it. Might as well get together.



Pretty sure this would be illegal because of ITAR.

So we’re tossing out environmental concerns in order to win a space race that we already won 50 years ago? Seems not great.

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Bummer. Then maybe take launches out to sea. Worst case, sell his SpaceX stock, renounce US citizenship, start over. Sufficiently hardcore employees would surely follow him. How hard could that be.

NASA says China wants to claim the moon. It’s like Q said to Picard. The trial never ends.

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Damn, sounds serious.


They’re already building a Starship launch site in Florida at SLC-39A so worst case if Boca Chica gets shut down for environmental reasons they’ll just start barging rockets across the Gulf of Mexico until they can ramp up production somewhere in Florida.

Let’s be real nobody gives a fuck about the environmental impact to Boca Chica, TX. It’s all troll on troll violence.

Considering recent events, they probably have to re-evaluate whether the modifications they made to 39A are adequate to handle Starship. Or they should, if they are committed to being a responsible tenant. Which Elon might not be.

OK I am ordering an immediate moratorium on calling these things “starships.” That’s some hubris right there.

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I’ll allow it if we fire Elon right into the Sun.

It is extremely serious, and that is why we must blow up the moon before it is too late.

They’re not even atmosphere ships yet.

NPR should tweet a :poop: the first of every month to comply.


More on the Starship launch.

I don’t think this is their biggest issue, but one surprising detail is that they use autonomous flight termination. I didn’t expect they’d do that on a rocket meant to carry people. They keep saying it “failed”, which seems imprecise and is not supposed to happen, ever.

All I can hear when I read this thread

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