Elon Musk: Dork MAGA

6’ 20", killing for fun.


Forewarning, semi nude beach Reeve below, but for any height over 5’11, I’d take the over on 220. This is not a lean person. There’s also shrinkage at work here.

She’s wearing heels in that pic so Musk could easily be 6’2" if she’s really 5’8".

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I understand. I felt that was why the pic of him with the foreign minister was important for comparison.

This guy?

Is Tony Blinken also a munchkin?


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Yeah I got 5’10" 250 locked in

Based on the Blinken pics he’s taller than Biden and Biden is around 6 foot, right? Looks like 6’2" to me.

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With Amber Heard, allegedly 5’7"

Heard and Johnny Depp

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I’ve got 6’1" 230

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6’2" 275

similar physiques



And then you have to ask yourself, how would Zuck do in this sort of fight? I don’t care if he does take adult karate lessons, Zuck’s getting his ass kicked by either one of these guys.


Like Zuck sets up for an illegal crane kick and Bobby Baccala just runs up, puts him in a bear hug and starts squeezing him? What’s the adult karate move there Zuck? Sweaty obese drunken Italian dude squeezing the life out of you, they didn’t teach you that in your comfortable silicon valley dojo, did they?


As a self-proclaimed expert on fat, I’m going 6’1", 245 lbs.

ETA: I’m also highly trained in guessing weight. Worked as the ‘guess your weight, age, month of birth’ jester in the basement of the Excalibur in my teens.


No way he’s 3 hills though. 250 tops


Well, first thing, Zuck is not going to get sucker punched with a ref in there, but a season 6 Bobby is a formidable opponent for sure, having displayed enough athleticism to dunk a basketball while weighing in at about 265. I assume Zuck will have studied up on how to counter bigger fighters though and will attack the legs. Or he may follow the strategy of avoidance until opportunity presents itself, as advocated by Sunta Zoo, the Chinese prince Machabelly.


Yeah zuck is going to roll a leg lock get this chump on the ground and then bend a limb off


Yeah way way below 300, he’d have to be at least 6’2 for me to think 250.