Elon Musk: Dork MAGA

Ofc not why would I care?

Also hearty lol at me having any mri machines

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All of the first superconductors had to be cooled with liquid helium, which is both very cold and very expensive. It’s only within your lifetime that one that could be cooled with liquid nitrogen (despite being very cold, it’s far warmer, and much cheaper) was possible, despite the discovery of superconductivity being more than a century old.


This twitter anime weirdo was impressed at first but is walking back.




Room temperature is a big part of it. Idk much about MRI but if you don’t need to worry about cooling, you save that auxillary equipment’s bulk, weight, and cost. Performance, I don’t know, there could be different issues for specific applications because like maybe this stuff is brittle. Nobody knows yet if it works, much less how it works, or exactly what it would be good for. We just know the potential is there.

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That’s just one of countless applications that would make things way way cheaper. Howbout transportation? Maglev trains that are essentially free to operate because they float frictionless above the rails, with no energy needed for the levitation. Trainload of cargo gets across the country for the same energy cost that it would take to drive a Civic the same distance.


This anime weirdo is keeping an updated list on the replication efforts:


If it’s a mistake, I would expect some false positives. If it’s real, there will be false negatives. Cold fusion vibes for me.

it must work, at least enoguh for their purposes, they probably send 10000 of these for every dumbass that bites.

the most far-fetched thing about this post isn’t the room temp superconductor, it’s texas sharing wind farm power with nyc.


This is amazing

From Facebook group without a link to the source,v but apparently the X wasn’t anchored. Not a problem in SF right?


Wow, it sounds like they have a real LFS over there. Not good!


Tweetdeck worked really well before the Musk transformation. Now it’s slow, clunky, sometimes doesn’t work, sometimes rate limits me. Just generally a worse product than before.

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Hurts brain to think about large scale power transmission on superconducting lines. If there’s no resistance and no heat generated from conduction, what determines the power a thickness of superconducting wire can conduct? Because as I understand it, resistance isn’t close to zero or approaching zero, it’s just zero.

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If you’re building superconducting power transmission lines, don’t stop at building them across the continent. Build them from where it’s day to where its night.

And sure, transport it at 2 volts DC, why not

Build a line from the sun to the earth

