Elon Musk: Dork MAGA

Considering the type of people who would pay to see this live, might be the moment to finally break out that one time I’ve been hording and ask for a meteorite.


Even though Zuck would win handily, that doesn’t mean the fight itself wouldn’t be a giant, laughable clusterfuck. No one in their right minds should want to pay money to see it.

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There’s a non-zero chance Musk dies. Ima pay for that.


I think they could sell out at 10k a seat, plus record breaking ppv.

If one of them dies, everyone wins.

There is ths thing called Creator Clash where YouTube and twitch content creators fight. I know one guy who trained seriously for months and months and lost to someone handidly with only a little experience. Then he did it again the next year same result.

I don’t think musk could train enough to make up the difference even if he took it seriously.

Of course musk and Zuckerberg could fix the fight and both get massive suns on Elon to win and clean up on top of the ppv.

Looks like Musk is at least training:





I can do ketamine before the fight, right?

Absolutely not

Okay but a LITTLE bit is gonna be fine I think

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You should be able to do a LITTLE ketamine at work


Ketamine is not on the WADA banned substances list fwiw



Please someone do it. And have video running.

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He’ll start crying, I assume.


Also wasn’t Peterson’s entire original deal being mad about the prospect of having to call someone by their preferred pronouns? Now he’s doing vague threats of violence if I don’t address him in the way he prefers? Weird.


Tears of apple cider, no doubt.

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I got an audio version of Mike Duncan’s The Storm Before the Storm from my local library (libraries are the best). Having listened to it, I still can’t say I understand what Elon meant when he said we need another Sulla.

As a reminder, David Sacks was on about how corrupt Biden is and compared him to a Roman Senator taking bribes. Elon came in with “Perhaps we just need a modern day Sulla.” But my book learnin’ just reinforces what I found on wikipedia: Sulla marched on Rome (more than once), killed his political enemies (along with a lot of innocents) and displayed their heads in the Forum. He expanded the Senate and filled it with his buddies. He aimed to restore the power of Roman aristocracy. He had himself declared dictator for an undefinite term. Though he retired and died soon enough, he paved the way for more tyrants. His “reform” of the constitution was quickly cast off after he was gone.

Exactly what about all that is so appealing to Elon? And does he think DeSantis can be Sulla? Sulla didn’t have a plan when he first marched on Rome, he was just winging it. But what he did have was six fucking legions. Here and now, the legions are loyal to Trump. I don’t get it. Sacks and Elon are supposed to be intellectuals? Could it be they’re just idiots?



