Elon Musk: Dork MAGA



Is that someone?


I hate that assholes have co-opted basic hand signals. First it was “ok” being used by white supremacists, then it was the thumbs-up by MAGA (I know, one in the same).

EDIT: I guess MAGA hasn’t technically co-opted the thumbs up. It’s just they all use it now because of Trump, so I automatically equate someone posing with a thumbs up with an asshole.

Argentina’s “anarcho-capitalist” president. He’s trying to get Telsa to build a factory there.


Random Fonz impersonator.

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Pretty sure this is one of those street performers that paint themselves gold/silver.


Upon minimal reflection, I think single thumbs up (J-Law style) is OK, but double thumbs up is highly predictive of MAGA/asshole.


Piss off. You’re not taking the double thumbs up away from us non MAGA




I think that helps my case. Borat definitely MAGA. Not a lot of lefties who are going lead a room full of people singing “Throw the Jew Down the Well”.

Edit: Haven’t seen that vid in ages, but just noticed there seem to be a significant number of people whose reaction is “WTF” and don’t join in. Didn’t notice that before.

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Well, in my defense, I did say “highly predictive”.

Just use it judiciously. Wouldn’t want anyone to get the wrong idea.

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I don’t understand how one can watch that w/o wanting to crawl out of their own skin. I just can’t do that stuff at all.


Yeah, it was funny the first time, but not very rewatchable especially when you know what is coming.

It would be easier for me to watch the second time since I already died inside the first time. But I’ve never watched it. I just know what happens.

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You’ve never seen the Borat movie? It’s pretty funny. You can even fast forward through that part.

For me it’s not really a question of being able to rewatch. I can. I just don’t care to. The first time is funny. Each subsequent viewing is less funny and more sad. However, this most recent viewing was more positive, because there seemed to be more people who were appalled at it (perhaps wishful thinking on my part) than I had remembered.

I just can’t do awkward situations, even if scripted like Curb. It’s torture for me. Unless I’m drunk, then I can take it.

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In the second Borat movie, the part where he talked to two elderly Jewish women and had soup was in my synagogue. I came really close to pointing out where he sat in my speech at my son’s Bar Mitzvah, but I took it out because I didn’t think anyone would understand the reference.

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