Elon Musk: Dork MAGA





This feels like a lawsuit.

Because there is a downside.

There are penalties for letting anyone under thirteen accessing online content without parents explicit approval.

But this is for all content not adult content.

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elon thinks he’s making a superweapon and he’s sizing up targets for it to destroy. hmmm yes words annoy me…


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Anyone else notice that the Twitter app doesn’t work if your phone is plugged in (don’t know if it’s all phones or just Android)?

Works fine for me on Android.

“Dbag amassed huge wealth and did dumb things. - the end”

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I refuse to believe hypergenius Elon never used CliffsNotes in his school years.

Not content with inventing the subway and jet propulsion he has also invented wikipedia plot summaries. Is there any limit to the man’s mind?

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Maybe he can invent seppuku.


Not totally sure which side of the line I’d bet on Elon having ever read a complete book.

Come on guys, Elon was a big reader. He liked encyclopedias but he also read a lot of science fiction. He just happens to be nuts.

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I’m surprised he doesn’t just offer to bore a tunnel in six months or whatever. That would be a more reasonable proposal.



Went and read the comments on that Elon tweet, and there’s just hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of sycophants swinging off of his nuts. I scrolled for quite awhile and never found a dissenting opinion. Like, not a single naysayer to dispute one of the dumbest statements any human has made. Ever.

I might have to stop hanging out here. It’s too depressing.


The segments are too big for any crane to lift so it has to be cut up but we should also reuse the segments. Elon is a genuinely stupid person. He is the poster boy for how America is not a meritocracy.