Elon Musk: Dork MAGA

Bait and switch. That’s a lot of Alex Jones content.

But its the best Alex Jones content.

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I figured out what the Cybertruck reminds me of. The death probe in 6 Million Dollar Man.


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Thanks, I hate it!



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Buying 80k rust buckets to own the libs


Hentai fans move one step closer to being able to control artificial tentacles.


This company can replace social media and cell phones altogether. It’s a small device with one button, which when triggered releases a burst of dopamine in the user’s brain. This is the endgame for devices


That’s kind of cool (controlling a mouse with your thoughts) if it was actually true (I’m skeptical) and if it wasn’t being done by Elmo and company.


That kind of stuff has been done before. It’s impressive that Musk can throw together a team to do it but the functionality isn’t the bleeding edge.

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This is the opposite of impressive. You could put a hat on someone with EEG detection and it would do the same thing. It’s not in the same universe as any kind of enhancement or hardware integration that enhances brain function. It’s not a proof of concept of anything real and it will go nowhere.

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I don’t think it’s impressive they can do it, other than finding a specimen perhaps.

Oh jeez guess I had no clue that was a thing. Do we do that now for people that can’t move/speak? Guess I’m easily impressed.

How is it 2024 and tech/business rags are still publishing “Elon says…” headlines?


From five years ago.

From 20 years ago.

Elon will probably still be able to raise billions of the rubes over this.

That such a high percentage of ads on X now feature community notes is an amusing self-own.

Finally pulled the plug and deleted Twitter. Should’ve done so long time ago but I’m selfish and addicted.

Just over the past couple of days the amount of unmasked white supremacist content showing up on my feed has gone through the roof. I get that I dig through the weeds way more than I should and that informs the algorithm, but my god.

Not that I’m of any importance, but good job, Elon, all you needed to do to keep someone like me around at least a while longer was the absolute bare minimum.