Elon Musk: Dork MAGA

You gave Twitter a bad name


so Mr.Beast said he got 250k for his video, but the numbers were super inflated to the point where he was getting up to several hundred times the amount of money per impression that other blue subscribers report getting.

also i saw it several times on my “for you” while not following anything related to Mr. Beast and it had pre-roll advertisements on it, which is the first i’ve seen on any of the media i’ve seen on my feed on twitter.

what a dumb “experiment”

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The AP story got an update.

“It was incredibly moving and deeply sad and tragic that humans could do this to other humans,” Musk said about the visit. “I’m a student of history, so I had seen the pictures, I’d seen the videos, but … it hits you much more in the heart when you see it in person."

I thought of the science fiction novella, The State of the Art, by Iain M. Banks. The story is about a visit to Earth by the advanced civilization, The Culture. They want to see if it’s worth intervening in our affairs. Diziet Sma visits Auschwitz and is deeply moved. A friend of hers goes native and is killed in an alley by muggers. Not surprisingly, Sma favors keeping us from destroying ourselves. Ultimately though, we are left alone, to be used as an experimental control to evaluate the success of interventions in more promising civilizations.

Meanwhile, the richest man on the planet, who has read Banks’ books

“In the circles that I move, I see almost no antisemitism,” Musk said at the conference in a discussion with Daily Wire podcaster Ben Shapiro. “And, you know, there’s this old joke ‘I’ve got like this one Jewish friend.’ No, I have like two-thirds of my friends are Jewish. I have twice as many Jewish friends as non-Jewish friends. I’m like Jewish by association, I’m aspirationally Jewish.”

Musk should visit Gaza.





Cuz they’re so good with money amirite

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I made a joke about blowjobs on Twitter and I immediately got dozens of likes by bots pretending to be women. Anybody want to tweet something containing the word “blowjob” and replicate this?

No, because I don’t want to post misogyny.


Blowjobs are misogynist?

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I could have been talking about Tim Scott. (To be fair, I often joke about Trump using blowjobs as a criteria for hiring women, which is what I was doing this time.)

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this is that classic iron81 posting that keeps me coming back


Would it be better if it was called a “blowfun?”


I only ever tweet “go fuck yourself” at various politicians and I’ve got I don’t know how many hottie twitter bot accounts following me. I don’t think it even matters what you tweet out.


Your insult of choice seems like it might catch some sexbot filters :leolol:

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Elon learned the right lessons from Auschwitz.

After the visit to Auschwitz, Musk and Shapiro addressed the conference. Their conversation was preceded with a presentation: a video montage of tweets that could have been sent to spread information about the Holocaust if it were taking place in the time of social media, concluding that X could have saved lives.

Musk spoke in his conversation about the importance of freedom of speech, and the role freedom of speech could have had in preventing the Holocaust.

The two men also agreed that “Elon” is a Jewish name. Musk shared that his social circle is largely Jewish, which may or may not be true, and that he himself is “Jew-ish,”



Ok I gotta ask: Did it contain tweets by Anne Frank?


The problem: my policy of radical free speech resulted in a huge increase in antisemitism on my website

The solution: go to auswitz to show the jews how wrong they are


I think I know what the joke was. This was yesterday: