Elon Musk: Dork MAGA

somethings up with my twitter tonight, even on the “for you” tab, i get 2-3 total posts per refresh. so unless no one in the world is tweeting, its throttled. wonder if he forgot to pay his bills again.

I think they show some tweets by people who are followed by people you follow.

Ketamine high intensifies

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I’m sure that’ll happen


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Bankers will rename it arbitrage.com and when you post it will be called an arby.


Hate to burst your bubble - but that seems like 100% engagement-bait. Debt holders can’t just repossess a company, they can only really do that in bankruptcy (and so far there is no evidence Twitter is missing any debt payments). There could be some covenants in the debt that have been breached, but that typically only gives the debt holders the right to call their loans, not take control of the company. That could force Twitter into bankruptcy, but also Musk can always just put up more funds to save Twitter if he wants.

edit: it would also be idiotic of them to try to force Musk out. Right now it’s clear Twitter is worth more to him than anyone else, so while it sucks he’s ruining the value and thus their debt is underwater, their best bet to get repaid on that debt is likely to leave Musk in control and hope he funnels more money into the company.

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Cybertruck, sub 10 micron tolerance, fucking kiliing for fun.




Elon does something dumb again.

Now if you tweet a link to a news page you have to write your own headline.

Musk indicated that he wants news organizations to “post content in long form” directly on the social platform. Responding to a twitter.com post yesterday about the declining referrals from social networks to news sites, Musk wrote, “Our algorithm tries to optimize time spent on X, so links don’t get as much attention, because there is less time spent if people click away. Best thing is to post content in long form on this platform.”

Wonder if that will result in more click throughs and actually be good for the news sites.

Going to be the S, E, and X tiers




“x, formerly known as twitter” stuns me when i read it in news articles. fucker spent 10 star warses to destroy twitter

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I’m just going to keep calling it Twitter because there’s something perversely fun about deadnaming the social media site of someone anti-trans like Elon.




If this is true, he will finally have broken the site enough to send me to Bluesky for good.


Easier to hide that they’re amplifying unpopular right wing views, probably


They’re not trying to hide right wing views. The CEO keeps liking them and saying “Intersting!”

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He wants twitter to be the only app or website. If people click a link, they leave. He doesn’t want that. I’m surprised he allows links at all.