Elon Musk: Dork MAGA

He’s shit

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This is fucking unbelievable. He needs to be in Gitmo

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If awful personal opinions was gitmo worthy–we’d have to vastly expand the prison population.

Yeah I was referring to him getting Ukrainians killed, not his dumb opinions.


There are harsher extralegal options available.

Seriously though, interfering with a war fought by one of our allies has to be illegal in some way

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You’d have choice of bunks

Let’s see where this goes. I went to add other posts and their search failed. He’s got some doozies.


Greenblatt was half right, anyway.

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For such an out of the box thinker on social issues he seems to continuously land on boring and wrong conservative thoughts

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Paul M Barrett is the husband of Oscar nominated director Julie Cohen.

PS. Tangent but lol they are so fkin sweet to each other it’s sickening.


Elon has his own version of the story. Maybe he should sue Isaacson.

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“Atheism is a religion too” is the oldest trick in the book.

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We’re def going to see some prominent dork web atheists convert over the next few years, whether it’s for clicks or for real, it’s going to be a thing. I think Peterson has all but been baptized by this point.

If you think about it, X is a lot like not X. Because if you take X and negate it you get not X. While if you take not X and negate it you get not not X, which is X. So when you negate one you get the other. And that’s something they both have in common.




TIL Elon and Grimes named their son X Æ A-Xii

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