Election Night Tech Stuff

Thanks zikzak good job!


Have you restored all of the threads? I think some are still missing like the POTUS bowl maybe.

No. I’ve restored all of Sports and Chitchat, and everything in Politics that’s been active in the past 2 months, but nothing older and none of the closed 10k mega-topics.

The latter put the most load on the server since a single view by just one person pulls a lot of data into memory. I’d like to keep them inaccessible for at least the next couple days.

We still have heavy traffic and I expect that to be the situation for as long as this shitshow lasts. Sporadic logouts will probably continue to be a thing as we ride the news cycle swongs. But I think we’ve already seen the worst of it and shouldn’t have anything more significant than that.


is the LC thread deleted???

Appreciate the work you do zikzak


Unless you meant one in Sundry Chitchat.

It’s all low content. We are sweating dumps of 12 fucking ballots!