Editing Dahl and others

Have you ever written a novel? Or, alternatively, some kind of art that took several years to complete? Just a background check here before proceeding.

Second question: Is your position that itā€™s good actually to take the racism out of a racist book written by a racist author so that his heirs can sell more copies?

letā€™s go with yes, but why art? is art special? what if you just donā€™t appreciate my landscaping, but iā€™m an artist with the shovel.

oh good one. if i support editing, iā€™m shoveling money to racists? iā€™ve read dr seuss without the racist stuff to a nephew or cousin. so, same thing? ĀÆ_(惄)_/ĀÆ

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So thatā€™s a no and yes? You can just say what you mean instead of making weird analogies.

yes and yes? i told you i am an artist. is thereā€™s any value in the book after taking racism out? fine the heirs can continue to sell more copies.

But whatā€™s your actual issue, though? Youā€™re conflating a bunch of different things here. Is your primary objection:

Heirs making money off of works written by their forebears?
Heirs making money off of derivative works of their forebears?
Heirs making derivative works of their forebears even if they donā€™t profit?
Anyone making derivative works of someone else?
Derivative novels are bad, but edited music or paintings arenā€™t bad?
Anyone making derivative works specifically of someone who has died?
Derivative works are generally OK, except if they remove racism from the original?
Heirs can make profit off of works and/or derivative works of their forebears, unless their forebears were racist?
Something else?
Or is it just this very, very particular case of a fiction author being racist and fat-phobic, and heā€™s died, and he has heirs that could profit off of new editions (or old editions, really, but they think they can profit more off new edited ones), and they want to clean up the novels, and itā€™s only when all these things are true that you object?
Or you donā€™t care in general about heirs and profits and racism and fat-phobia and derivative works or whatever, you just think these particular changes are bad writing in this particular case, and you arenā€™t trying to generalize this to other instances of edits to books?

Itā€™s not clear at all what you actually care about, and Iā€™m pretty sure we can find examples of just about all of these things happening without substantial objection.

Nobody is arguing it isnā€™t what the fuck is wrong with you people?

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And VFS should probably sit a couple plays out considering he had to be told a textbook is different than an artistic novel.

Like, yeah, remove all the uses of ā€œniggerfaggotā€ from this instruction manual on how to set up a computer monitor, go nuts. Thereā€™s frankly way too many for my taste.


haha dead honky

This isnā€™t what ā€œderivativeā€ means and that might be the source of the confusion.

This thread being bumped


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Iā€™m sorry you are unable to keep up.



That might be true but I ignored the ā– ā– ā– ā–  shoehorn part of that post and in fact was about to ask why we didnā€™t get rid of the niggerfaggots when we got rid of the ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  but then remembered this is a gentlemanā€™s debate in polite society.

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Did you reply with the wrong thing to the wrong person in the wrong thread or no?

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Donā€™t be a ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– 

??? i gave you both examples, textbook and novel. one that the author was very proud to have completed. some say itā€™s her best work. and yet it survived edits just fine. and no, i don think anyone accused her of racism

Tell me youā€™ve never written a novel without telling me youā€™ve never written a novel.