Editing Dahl and others

Not sure I want to know what the modern day equivalent of John Waters is. That Flying lotus film might be it, haven’t watched.

There’s some modern day horror stuff I’ve heard of that made me sad to be a human.

what if that one was pre-approved?

also it’s hilarious that the entire world is familiar with Fleming through derivatives of his works, the movies licensed by the company holding copyright, rather than his texts. and he was fine with it, by all accounts. even the texts were already edited during and after his lifetime. yet out of an abundance of caution the publisher is going to clearly state that the new edition is in fact edited. isn’t that what y’all wanted?

Each book will carry the disclaimer, “This book was written at a time when terms and attitudes which might be considered offensive by modern readers were commonplace. A number of updates have been made in this edition, while keeping as close as possible to the original text and the period in which it is set,” The Telegraph said.

really seems that the artistic integrity police today is a party with no standing at all on the issue, should be awarded no grievance, and we should spend time pointing out the millions of ways ALL ART is edited and contextualized by the audiences. yeah edits are subjective, and inevitable.

10 posts were merged into an existing topic: About Moderation



bruh wat


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sup, mang? welcome back :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: let’s leave this thread together

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Wherefore desirst thou aught? Since thou thyself mayst even be earth and myriad angels and the very heaven.

I got it made, the big boss most high.


I have a non-reaction-jpeg reply but fair warning, you’re not gonna like it. I didn’t think you’d tell on yourself even more after that first post, but here we are.

Imagine if the dude who made the Good Guys With Guns: The Police! thread wanted to step in to the The Real Racist octagon lol God in heaven that’d be amazing.

I, for one, can’t wait to read the 2023 edition of the “The Y-chromosome advantaged young member of the noble class and the financially disadvantaged yet equally valuable member of society”.

If you have to say it tho.

You have no idea how disappointed I am that this wasn’t a reply to my cool shades and was instead a reply to a far less cool post.

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Stop bothering Otatop and whomever else you babybrain lunatic pussy and make the posts addressed to me lol. I’m the one you wanted to have the discussion with.


Just wait until you guys have a spelling bee though and the word to spell is “niggerfaggot”.