Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

Not only is it not final Musk would be an idiot to close. If he bails the stock will fall 30% or more.

It closed at $45 today, a full 20% below the supposed acquisition price…

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at this point, if he pulls out, and pays $1b as the penalty, but destroys twitter the company in the rpocess, he might actually be playing 4d chess



I wish we had a billionaire who loved orphan tv and could just green light seasons of any show he wanted.

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Heh I was just thinking about that show earlier today. So fucking good.

lol shocking, really wish this guy would just go away

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We really need a billionaire with some awesome game show ideas

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Musk now has issue with “fake users” lol

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I know this is all just wishful thinking, but we have to confront the reality that you probably have to be kind of an asshole to become a billionaire in the first place, and whatever bad instincts you have are going to get outrageously amplified after you become a billionaire and are immune from consequences. The probability of a billionaire that we actually like has to be vanishingly small. The only billionaire I can think of with an even faintly pleasant personality is Buffet, and that is probably just an act to support his brand.

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Jack Ma spent some of his billions making a sweet kung-fu movie, idk why Elon can’t give us John Wick 5 or something cool instead of whatever the fuck he’s doing.

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I thought that was what Bezos did with The Expanse

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Lol, tell me you’re a lawyer who briefly wrested Elon’s phone away from him without telling me you’re a lawyer who briefly wrested Elon’s phone away from him.


Lol 5%. Try like 45%


Honestly, if the shit he was doing was just a ploy to wreck Twitter and put it out of business, I’d like him quite a bit more.

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Ah well at least Bezos saved the Expanse

Edit: ponied

He waived due diligence so he can’t walk away for this (without paying the $1 billion). Also don’t think Twitter is even obligated to share info like this with him.

Edit- that said Twitter is basically Elon’s bitch now though. Management just told employees they don’t matter and it’s all about the shareholders. If deal falls through you’re going to have angry shareholders and employees.

If he offers $44.20 they have to take it, there are no other bidders. Feels like he realizes this is all very stupid and may just bail entirely.

Also, lol at a $1 billion break fee for a $44 billion deal with this clown. I don’t know M&A very well at all but that seems way low.

There’s a survey here. This is a “reverse” termination fee, and they say 3.3%-5.0% is the range of medians in different circumstances (is Elon a financial buyer or a strategic??). This fee is 2.3%, so definitely a bit on the small side, but not immensely so.

But shouldn’t there be an “it’s Elon fucking Musk” multiplier?


Yeah absolutely. Getting the breakup fee up to 10-15% should have been the only deal point the board cared about when negotiating this.

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