Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

Done deal.

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We live in a simulation


Anybody know a good way to delete all one’s tweets

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From “Elon is the largest individual shareholder” to “Elon will be joining our board” to “Actually, he declined” to “Now he wants to buy the whole company” to “We put a poison pill in place to stop him from buying us” to “He bought us” in ~20 days.


Hats off to dumbest/largest (combo of the two) corporate transaction since the AOL-Time Warner merger.


Twitter has become so ingrained as a news aggregator, I just don’t see a mass exodus happening.

There is a 3rd party website that does it. Check out Tweet Deleter (I’ve never done this or have any history so ymmv)

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Its easy to forget how big of a transaction this is. He’s paying $44 billion for a company with no cash flow. Absolutely idiotic. For comparison, GM has a market cap of $57 billion and has net income of like $6-7 billion.

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When will Donald Trump be unbanned?
  • Before the end of the month
  • First 10 days of May
  • Later in May
  • Later in 2022
  • 2023 or later or never

0 voters

A strong magnet (or an explosive device if it’s an SSD I guess) and illegal access to hardware rooms?


Especially for a company whose competitors have almost zero barriers to entry and we’ve already seen like 6-8 iterations of its competitors go from being totally ubiquitous to a hollow shell.

Imagine in 2016 or 2017 saying “Yeah 5 years in the future Snapchat is basically dead”

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I doubt this actually accomplishes what AQ needs (i.e. Musk not being able to sell it to alt-right groups or governmental agencies)

I heard rumors that Musk is planning on buying Unstuck Politics for $20. Is there any defense we got against this?

I’ll bid $21 to ward him off

When Musk said he had “financing lined up”, was that loans or other investors?

I was saying that. Teenagers are fickle. It’s impossible to keep them entertained for very long before they move on to the next shiny object (TikTok).

Most likely a leveraged buy out (so loans)

My absolute favourite bullshit legal financial theft. Buying a company with debt that you instantly transfer to the company if you somehow manage to make enough money to service the debt yay much deserved incredible wealth is yours if not oh well look like this company needs to be stripped for assets and declares bankruptcy.



This could still end up not actually happening right?