Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company


What’s up with this giant dumbass frame on the left of the web version?

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Fine, but get in line.

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I have random white space on both the left and right frames now. Makes scrolling much more of a pain. Thought maybe I did something dumb with settings, but I guess it’s a change for everyone.

It looks like Musk is now trolling some of his harshest critics and supporters of block the blue by giving them blue check marks.

Feel that if they wanted, these people could sue Musk for false advertising by claiming they are subscribers.

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This seems like what’s going on


Looks like Elon’s giving blue checks to lots of celebrities/known people now. Just saw Rob Delaney, Michael Ian Black, and Daniel Dale all wondering how their check returned. So, um, verifying them?

No viable alternative to twitter exists, and people don’t really want to leave twitter apparently. If it were in Musk’s mental range to admit he was wrong about certain things and revert the most obscene changes, he can reverse the bad PR over time and twitter will chug along for a good long while. But he just has the one gear of being a incorrigible, vain lunatic.

Elon should charge people for not using Twitter - then he would have us all by the balls.


It’s the system. That’s it. Completely.

Or stop using the platform and watch it wither, and him with it, as opposed to giving him the attention he wants.

Still true


Man at this point it might be worth it for like Citrix or some other middling tech company to make an actual twitter clone.

I’ve been banging this drum since the deal went through. I was assured that no one would do it because it wouldn’t make money. I proposed Google do it, but I don’t GAF who. How has someone not done it yet?

For google or Microsoft I get it, you get tons of political scrutiny for meaningless net income, but there are dozens of companies with the technical ability to clone twitter for whom a hundred million of profit would be a massive needle mover.


I spy a lawsuit


Because it wouldn’t make money

And, people have, anyway

Links? Mastodon, substack, and post don’t really count since they aren’t exactly clones. What else is there?

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