Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

About time Australia chipped in to the orphan crushing machine dream.

In reality rural Australia where I grew up it’s incredibly standard to work on farms in either an official or unofficial capacity from 10-14. Not saying it’s right, it just is. The jam factory case is clearly out of line.

On the plus side, some of the work is actually fun as hell at that age. Riding quad bikes etc…

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NPR isn’t terrible.

What in the actual fuck.

Reveal, Snap Judgement. WWDTM, PHC, This American Life, etc……

They are essentially UP minus the money extracting backgrounds.


So Elmo’s just going to randomly remove a few verification badges at a time to try to scare people or something?

What is twitter, anyeay

Withouth a W

I mentioned this in the podcast thread:

The new season of Embedded by NPR investigates a mortar strike in Iraq that left 2 marines and an Iraqi interpreter dead. Turns out it was friendly fire, most of the marines affected never knew for certain, and it looks like an attempted cover up. One of the Marines that called in the Mortar round?

Future Congressman and Trump Pardon Recipient Duncan Hunter, his daddy was the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee at the time. General Mattis washed it all away. Details


I was really just talking about the news. That was the context.

As far as the news goes, sure. But, this American Life is more entertaining. Wwdtm level? Maybe.

Speaking of terrestrial radio,

MFW a classic rock station plays The Offspring


Jesus Christ

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Meh, I remember back in like 2005 a classic rock station played DMB and was like lolwut

Hidden Brain and Radiolab are also great. Weekend NPR has a ton a great shows.

There’s a station here that dabbles in oldies in addition to “classic rock,” so, it’s even a shade older music. They started playing Santana’s Smooth.

It is classic rock y’all dinosaurs


oh shit forgot about this dude

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This is 100% true. When I made this post I almost included a “Harry Balls” joke and decided it was too much. Absolutely kicking myself now.


FWIW I was also thinking of him ordering a stuffed crust pizza - stuffed with weed. Just in case.

I was briefly disoriented when I started my car a couple of Sundays ago and the first thing I heard was “You have to continue beating the whites for a few minutes.” :harold:

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