Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

After those reports surfaced, between Thursday night and Friday morning, Twitter apparently began to restrict promotion and visibility for tweets with links that contain the word Substack. New tweets linking directly to can still be tweeted, but trying to retweet or like those tweets via Twitter’s website results in an error message saying, “Some actions on this Tweet have been disabled by Twitter,” while doing the same from within its apps or TweetDeck appears to work while failing silently.

Trying to reply to a tweet with a Substack link causes a different error, which reads, “Something went wrong, but don’t fret — let’s give it another shot.” There are some new tweets we’ve found linking to Substacks that don’t display this error, but it appears several authors have begun working around the issue by obscuring their links with redirect services like ShortURL to avoid the Twitter block.


Yeah, pretty much all college stations for music for me when driving.

The FTC declined Ars’ request to comment, and Twitter continues to reply with a poop emoji in lieu of comments.

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Elon: :fu:


Taibbi served his purpose well. Now he’s thrown out with the weekly trash. Sad!


Is Taibbi still getting money for being a Russian asset or is that pro bono work?


Musk’s childishness knows no bounds.

Damn, didn’t realize Bono was under the influence of the Kremlin as well


Musk is so childish that Grimes might be a pedo.


My theory is that 95% of Greenwald and Taibbi’s substack subscribers are Russian bots.

I don’t know what level anyone is on anymore.

People who don’t listen to terrestrial radio hate jazz. And they’re going to hell.

No level. I think there’s a good chance Russia is funneling money to them through Substack. It’s the perfect money laundering scheme. They’ve both been 100% aligned with Putin for quite some time. And Tim Pool and some others.


Hasan came prepared with facts. Lots of them. Many of which debunked the core foundation on which Taibbi and his many fans have built the narrative regarding the Twitter Files.
