Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company


An entire half of America’s body politic thinks climate change is something scientists made up for laughs, there are loads of simple things we could do to mitigate the problem if we weren’t delusional idiots.

Exactly. Where’s the margin? Saving all life on planet earth is an externality with zero cash value.

Who makes money off of this? As I mentioned, Canada is planting hundreds of millions of trees a year and it’s because they are spending hundreds of millions of dollar a year to do it. What’s stopping us is that we’re not spending the money. It’s not a lot of money, but with no TreeX stock to blow up because of it, who is trying to make it happen?

UP should start a CryptoTreeBloX stock to raise money. Brilliant!



Not enough trees to plant.

lol, krugman must be an UPer

Some quick and dirty googling makes it look like we’d need somewhere on the order of magnitude of a trillion trees, or one hundred trees per person, which would cost a little bit more than total world production each year.

I mean, if we planted ten trees for every living person in the world each year for ten years, would that solve climate change? Is it feasible? I don’t know. But like no one is going to just do it.

Is the musky point that there’s so easier but not yet defined way to get there?

Move everyone in South and Central America to the US. Plant trees everywhere south of Mexico where those people used to live.


lol @ consciousness needing elon

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welp, that poll closes in an hour, with YES still winning. Should I put in a sell order for my TSLA now, or wait? I will not be awake at 6 am my time for the opening of the NASDAQ

  • HODL
  • Bastard

0 voters

Wow, he’s polling Twitter about paying ~$5 billion in capital gains.

stonks stonks bro stonk it, ain’t nobody made money betting against elon so far

Surely there are some sort of SEC rules governing him selling such a large amount, right?

The stock is going to go up anyways because nothing makes sense anymore.

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The Market if he sells:
Elon is such a philanthropist he’s willing to lower the price so the little guys can get in on his vision of the future. BUY!

The Market if he doesn’t sell:
Elon knows the value help brings to the human race and preserving consciousness in the galaxy. BUY!

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I think he has a huge slug of options expiring soon, which means he has to exercise them and incur a zillion dollars of ordinary income. My theory is he’s going to sell a bunch of shares, invest the proceeds in some business in an immediately deductible way, then use the loss to shelter the option gain, thus making the haters even more furious. (In theory, he could spend the proceeds from the option exercise to make the investments, but maybe the timing works out better this way.)

Or maybe he’s trying to push down the share price so his option exercise is at a lower FMV, then he’ll buy back all the shares and push the stock back up. That would be truly brilliant, and makes a little more sense than the first theory.

voted bastard. hope it helps