Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

Same for me now too. Yesterday I was getting the error when liking from my browser, so looks like Twitter either removed the feature or cleared that link.

Elon predicting autonomous driving coming next year, every year since 2015.


Some big “Cactus predicting Trump will be indicted” vibes.



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Pretty sure he’ll move it to Florida before the 2024 election for DeSantis momentum.

Musk did not specifically address the reasoning for returning Tesla’s headquarters to Silicon Valley. It’s unclear if the state offered any incentives for the company to return, or if Musk simply wanted to be closer to the Twitter headquarters, which is located in San Francisco.

did he finagle any tax breaks at all?

Why did he not move twatter to Texas since it’s so awesome and untaxey though


I mean what can HQ really generate anyway? I don’t know I’m asking

Not sure if serious (?) but if you travel at the posted speed limit on a highway in the northeast US you will be in the bottom 5% of cars on the road in terms of speed. That both (1) sucks and (2) is less safe than traveling with the flow of traffic.


Going back to California is Musk saying it’s time to go back to the office. #hardcore

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Yeah, there’s a pretty obvious solution where you tell the FSD car how fast to go and are legally responsible for its speed. Just like you do in a non-FSD car, assisted cruise, whatever.

FSD still has the option/obligation to slow down if conditions require.

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Any state can be untaxey if you pressure the right politicians for incentives


This seems like another

USA unable to find solution to problem that most developing world countries have solved.

  1. Set a speed limit that is reasonable and safe.
  2. Enforce those limits with sensible and non-racist/murdery mechanisms.

As a bonus. You can even use technology and modify the speed signs based on conditions.

Like. “No one follows the speed limit so we shouldnt enforce it because it would be unsafe” is USANo1Madness


When you do that here, it has been tried a few places, everyone but the normies gets outraged at the government raising revenue which means the program is illegitimate.

A lot of people are happy with the current state of affairs: everyone gets away with it unless the cop needs an excuse to hassle someone.

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Yeah. I understand the why. I think its important to keep in view that this a fundamentally broken state of affairs.

Worth mentioning that the US has considerably more deaths per mile than Australia or other comparable countries, so this is something which causes death and destruction at a huge scale.

Seeing as our traffic laws are a pretext to harass poor people and minorities we obviously can’t even consider reasonable reform. Law and order.

I dunno, I got pulled over in New Zealand for going 120 once on an arrow-straight road in the middle of nowhere, with not a cloud in the sky or another car in sight. The officer pulled me over by just standing in the middle of the road. I’m still furious about it.

In happier news, I did some looking into the recall, and it doesn’t seem like they’re saying it’s per se unsafe to exceed the speed limit. There was apparently some narrower issue where the car wasn’t adjusting fast enough to changes in the posted limit. Hopefully.

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Ontario is the same, 100kmh highway and most people drive 110-130.